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    Hitlers life time

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    Hitler ruling Germany

    Adolf Hitler started ruling Germany on the 30th January 1933 this is when he started spreading heavy propaganda about Jewish people
  • Jewish shop boycott started

    Jewish shop boycott started
  • Kristallnacht

    This day was a public attack on the Jewish community on Germany that was like the purge since throughout Germanys history jews were looked down upon Hitler didn't help those who were attacked.
  • All Jewish kids were expelled from school

    All Jewish kids were expelled from school
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    World War 2 This shows the influence that was caused by the holocaust after Hitler was attacking all the surrounding countries and had the power to attack Jewish people and other minorities he hated from other surrounding countries like Poland and even France and from the video it shows he tried to wipe out the religion and culture in Europe.
  • First Polish ghetto established

    First Polish ghetto established
  • Establishment of Auschwitz

    Establishment of Auschwitz
  • German authorities begin rounding up Polish Jews

    German authorities begin rounding up Polish Jews