Jan 1, 1206
Mongol Empire founded by Genghis Khan
Genghis Khan establishes an empire at China. Genghis Khan ruled over some 1 million people. In order to suppress the traditional causes of tribal warfare, he abolished inherited aristocratic titles. He also forbade the selling and kidnapping of women, banned the enslavement of any Mongol and made livestock theft punishable by death. Source: http://www.history.com/topics/genghis-khan -
Jan 1, 1211
The Mongols Attack China
Genghis Khan declared war in 1211, and while Mongols were victorious in the field, they were frustrated in their efforts to take major cities. In his typically logical and determined fashion, Genghis and his highly developed staff studied the problems of the assault of fortifications with the help of Chinese engineers Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongol_invasion_of_China -
Feb 2, 1215
Battle of Zhongdu
The Battle of Zhongdu was a battle in 1215 between the Mongols and the Jin dynasty, which controlled northern China. The Mongols won and continued their conquest of China. Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Zhongdu -
Mar 27, 1215
Da-Li owned by The Khans
Da-Li city was razed and its records burnt during its conquest by China's Mongolian Yuan Dynasty. The present old town was organized in the late 14th century under the Hongwu Emperor of the Ming Dynasty. Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dali_City -
Jan 31, 1219
Genghis and his army go to war against the Khwarezmid Empire
In 1218 Genghis Khan sent an envoy to the Khwarezmid empire. The leader, Shah Ala al-Din Muhammad II, has all of the envoys executed. Genghis, in response, goes to war against the empire. He sends more elite soldiers with the intent of them finding Shah Muhammad and killing him. Genghis Khan has the Mongol army divide in order to be able to attack from various directions all at once. Source: https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/mongol-empire-timeline-1200-1500-ce -
Aug 18, 1227
Genghis Khan Death
Genghis Khan, the Mongol leader who forged an empire stretching from the east coast of China west to the Aral Sea, dies in camp during a campaign against the Chinese kingdom of Xi Xia. The great Khan, who was over 60 and in failing health, may have succumbed to injuries incurred during a fall from a horse in the previous year. Source: http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/genghis-khan-dies -
Jan 1, 1231
Mongols invade Korea
The Mongols forced the Koreans to pay large tribute resulting in distaste in Korea towards the Mongols. The Koreans killed the Mongol envoy Chu-ku-yu, prompting war with the Mongols. Ogedai Khan ordered an invasion of Korea in 1231, and in response Korea moved their imperial court to Ganghwa Island using the Mongols’ weakness of attacking above water against them. In 1236, the Mongols invaded Korea. Source: https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/mongol-empire-timeline-1200-1500-ce -
Dec 31, 1237
Mongols invade Europe
The Mongol invasion of Europe in the 13th century was the military effort by an Asian power, the Mongol Empire, to invade and conquer parts of Europe. It involved the severe and rampant destruction of East Slavic principalities and major cities, such as Kiev and Vladimir. Mongol invasions also affected Central Europe, leading to conflict with the Kingdom of Hungary and fragmented Poland. Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongol_invasion_of_Europe -
Jul 21, 1271
Christendom on Mongols
In modern times, the Mongols are primarily Tibetan Buddhists, but in previous times, especially during the time of the Mongol empire, they were primarily shamanist and had a substantial minority of Christians. Mongol contacts with the West also led to many missionaries, primarily Franciscan and Dominican, traveling eastward in attempts to convert the Mongols to Roman Catholicism. Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity_among_the_Mongols -
Jan 1, 1275
Marco Polo arrives China
Marco Polo’s father and uncle started their journey in 1260. They met Kublai. Marco’s father brought him to Cathay aka China today. In 1275, Marco arrives in China that took 3 years. When he arrived to China, he met Kublai Khan and learned how to speak Chinese. His first mission from Kublai was to travel all around China. Source: http://yuan-dynasty.weebly.com/marco-polos-journey-to-china-1275.html -
Jan 20, 1275
Emmajins Motivation
Emmajin was motivated to become a Mongolian soldier after watching the parade and describing that she always loved outdoor pursuits, the wind on her cheeks as she raced on horseback, the tension in my arm as I pulled back the bowstring, the pleasure of hitting the target perfectly. She also loves listening to war epic stories. -
Jan 22, 1275
The Archery Contest
The front courtyard of the palace takes place of the archery contest. Every contest arrives holding their bow with quiver of arrows on their backs. When Emmajin striked the third arrow, it ripped through her nose. -
Jan 23, 1275
Emmajin meets Marco
Marco was behind and closer to Emmajin. She described him as a foreigner with the thickest beard and largest nose she has ever seen. He also mets with her again at the Mongol Temple bowing to her and the Empress (Weird). -
Jan 23, 1275
Mongols collect the Foreigners country information
The Khan gave Emmajin the first mission to hang out with Marco Polo at Xanadu to know everything about their country. This mission is a greater service to him than on the battlefield. -
Jan 24, 1275
Marco Polo visits Xanadu
Shangdu was visited by the Venetian traveller Marco Polo in about 1275, and was destroyed in 1369 by the Ming army under Zhu Yuanzhang. In the Novel, Emmajin was asked by the Khan to host Marco Polo in Xanadu. Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shangdu -
Jan 25, 1275
Marco going through Caranoas gang
Marco tells the story to Khan and his Mongols of him going through Caranoas Gang. While he was traveling in a caravan of fifty men on camels, he was reached to Persia with high walls built to defend against the Caranoas. They use dark magic. Also, they capture young men and women to sell them as slaves. When they saw the Caranoas closer, Marco was panicked that they runner the village gates. -
Jan 30, 1275
Emmajin and Marco are now Couples
At Tibetan Village, Emmajin was watching the stars with Marco. Marco tells his secret mission to Emmajin as they were speaking. Then, Emmajin gets more attracted to Marco that she wanted to make a move but instead Marco kissed her. -
Feb 1, 1275
Capturing the dragons at Da-Li
Marcos secret mission was to obtain a medicine that comes from a dragon but it has to brought alive to Khanbalik. Emmajin, Marco, and Suren with Tibetan villagers were capturing the dragons then tying them with ropes. -
Feb 6, 1275
The Battle of Vochan
The Battle of Vochan was a bloody war that causes thousands of lives to be dead. They battled with 12 thousand mongol soldiers and 60 thousand Burmese troops with elephants. One of the Burmese troops killed Suren that Emmajin killed hundreds of them with rage. -
Feb 20, 1275
Emmajin wants to become the ambassador of peace
Emmajin didn't want battle again after she saw the cruelty in the battle. She asks the Khan to make her the ambassador of peace to Christendom. She also does it to hang out with Marco. -
Feb 22, 1275
Marco helps Emmajin to overcome the fear of the ocean
After Marco's storytelling, Emmajin hangs out with Marco at the beach. Emmajin was scared of the water that she pulled away shrieking. When Marco was closer to her, she kissed him then together they tried to go through the water slowly. Marco tells her, "No need to fear the sea". -
Jan 15, 1279
The Mongol Ascendancy
The Mongol Ascendancy is when the Mongols finally gained control of all China. Kublai declared himself the ruler of a new dynasty, the Yuan. Yuan means the origin or beginning. The Mongols made trade routes safer. The Silk Roads became very popular. Source: http://ruizspieces.com/hist/1101.html -
Jan 30, 1279
The Mongols conquer China
After starving the Jin army for three days, a snowstorm broke out. The Mongols were strategic, and left a fake escape route. The Jin army took the route, and the Mongols ambushed them, a huge win for the Mongols. Later, the Jin did strike back with a victory against the Mongols, but there was turmoil within the empire that they weakened themselves. The Mongols destroyed the empire when they attacked Caizhou. Source: https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/mongol-empire-timeline-1200-1500-ce -
Apr 27, 1295
Marco Polo wrote a book at Venice
The book soon spread throughout Europe in manuscript form, and became known as The Travels of Marco Polo. It depicts the Polos' journeys throughout Asia, giving Europeans their first comprehensive look into the inner workings of the Far East, including China, India, and Japan. Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marco_Polo -
Apr 27, 1369
Xanadu Abandoned
In 1369, Shangdu was occupied by the Ming army and put to the torch. The last reigning Khan, Toghon Temur, fled the city which was abandoned for several hundred years. Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shangdu