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Chinese Dynasties Timeline

By jennau
  • Period: 1766 BCE to 1111 BCE

    Shang Dynasty

  • Period: 1111 BCE to 221 BCE

    Chou Dynasty

  • Period: 221 BCE to 206 BCE

    Ch'in Dynasty

  • Period: 206 BCE to 221

    Han Dynasty

  • Period: 217 to 580

    Era of Division

    Northern Dynasties:
    Northern Wei; 386- 532
    Western Wei; 535- 554
    Southern Dynasties:
    Western Chin; 219- 316
    Eastern Chin; 217- 419
  • Period: 581 to 618

    Sui Dynasty

    Emperors; Yang Jian (581- 604), Yang Guang (605- 617)
  • 584

    Yangdi starts to build the Grand Canal.

    Yangdi starts to build the Grand Canal.
    Grand Canal was built from Chang'an eastward to the Tong Pass.
    Today, the Grand Canal is used by millions in China and it is a great way of transportation.
  • 587

    Wendi repaired the Great Wall.

    Wendi repaired the Great Wall.
    Today, the Great Wall of China is an amazing tourist sight and brings China lots of money because of it.
  • 589

    China is reunified!

    China is reunified!
    Wendi made the "Three Department" system, it had six ministries: personal, revenue, rites, war, justice and public works.
  • 607

    Yangdi repaired and added to the Great Wall.

    Yangdi repaired and added to the Great Wall.
  • 609

    Yangdi finishes the Grand Canal.

    Yangdi finishes the Grand Canal.
    By the time the Grand Canal was finished it stretched from Chang'an to Beijing. Thousands of men and women worked on it. It's main purpose was a transportation system, that however helped with administrative tasks, defense movements and moving agriculture and trade goods.
  • Period: 618 to 906

    T'ang Dynasty

    Emperors: Gaozu (618- 616), Taizong (626- 649), Gaozong (649- 683), Zhonzong and Ruizong (683- 690), Wu Zhao (690- 700), Xuanzong (712-756)
  • 630

    Xuanzong collects Buddhist texts.

    Xuanzong collects Buddhist texts.
    Buddhist texts are collected so they can be translated into Chinese.
    Today, Buddhism is still a major religion in China and affects the country as a whole.
  • 630

    Lady/Empress Wu is taken out of a Buddhist nunnery by Gaozong.

    Lady/Empress Wu is taken out of a Buddhist nunnery by Gaozong.
    Lady Wu schemed and became Empress Wu.
    Today, Empress Wu stands out to many women in China and tells them that they can become important even if they are women.
  • 635

    Nestorian Christians allowed in China.

    Nestorian Christians allowed in China.
  • 705

    Empress Wu forced to abdicate.

    Empress Wu forced to abdicate.
  • 705

    Chan Buddhism becomes popular.

    Chan Buddhism becomes popular.
    Today, Chan Buddhism is important to many Chinese and it shapes the society in China.
  • 745

    Xuanzong abandons his position of ruler-ship.

    Xuanzong abandons his position of ruler-ship.
    Xuanzong was a smart ruler, however he falls in love with his son's concubine and has to abdicate to his son. (This story is written and shown in poems, paintings and plays.)
  • 841

    Government turns against religions.

    Government turns against religions.
    Buddhism and other religions are attacked; their temples are closed and huge taxes are placed.
  • 884

    Rebellion destroyed Tang Dynasty.

    Rebellion destroyed Tang Dynasty.
    Today is effected by this rebellion because if there was no attack then the dynasty would not have changed and who knows maybe they'd still be in the Tang Dynasty.
  • Period: 907 to 960

    Five Dynasties

    Emperors assassinate each other and warlords complete for power.
    Printing is developed and women's rights are improved.
  • Period: 960 to 1279

    Song Dynasty

    Emperors: Zhao Kuangyin (960- 976), Zhou Kuangyi (976- 997), Zhao Ji (1101-1126), Gaozong (1127- 1162)
    Time of prosperity (entrepreneurship, new crops, and careers)
    Women's rights and modesty are improved
  • 1127

    Nomadic groups overrun Northern Song dynasty.

    Nomadic groups overrun Northern Song dynasty.
    Jurchen from Manchuria invade and call themselves the Jin Dynasty.
  • 1215

    Mongols capture Beijing.

    Mongols capture Beijing.
    Today's life is changed because the Mongols overtook the capital, they left a little bit of their own culture with them into China.
  • 1235

    Explosive weapons are used for the first time.

    Explosive weapons are used for the first time.
    Explosive weapons are used a lot in our modern warfare and the Chinese are the ones to start that.
  • Period: 1260 to 1368

    Yuan Dynasty

    Emperors: Kublai (1260- 1294), Toghun (1333- 1368)
  • 1275

    Marco Polo travels through Kublai's realm.

    Marco Polo travels through Kublai's realm.
    Marco Polo explored many places, some of them we would not have know of until much later and changed the lives of other explorers.
  • 1281

    Kublai sends fleets against Japan.

    Kublai sends fleets against Japan.
    First time the fleets are successful. The second time a typhoon destroyed fleets.
    If the second fleet had made it, Japan could've been very different than what it is today.
  • 1315

    Mongols rebuild the Grand Canal.

    Mongols rebuild the Grand Canal.
  • 1344

    Taizu becomes at monk.

    Taizu becomes at monk.
    Taizu becomes a monk at 16 and is sent to beg and wonders east-central China.
    Had Taizu not been sent out of the monk place, then he would not have conquered Beijing and that would've altered time.
  • 1368

    Taizu gains control of Beijing.

    Taizu gains control of Beijing.
    After wondering China, Taizu joined a rebel group and quickly grew in command then got control of Beijing. He favored the poor over the rich and pretty much did everything he could to help the "lesser" people.
  • Period: 1368 to

    Ming Dynasty

    Emperors: Zhu Yuanzhang (1368- 1398), Zhu Di (1402- 1424), Zhe Qizhen (1436- 1450), Guangzong (1573- 1620)
  • Ming emperor killed himself after rebels took Beijing.

    Ming emperor killed himself after rebels took Beijing.
  • Period: to

    Qing Dynasty

    Emperors: Kangxi (1662- 1722), Yongzheng (1722- 1736), Qianlong (1736-95), Guangxu (1898)
  • Chinese men required to wear Manchu hairstyle.

    Chinese men required to wear Manchu hairstyle.
    The hairstyles change quickly and drastically in China and it started in these ancient times.
  • Qing army enter Lhasa.

    Qing army enter Lhasa.
  • Opium War occurred ending the Nanjing Treaty.

    Opium War occurred ending the Nanjing Treaty.
    This gave Hong Kong to Great Britian.
    This changed the lives of many Chinese people in many different ways.
  • Taiping Rebellion

    Taiping Rebellion
    A Christian convert called himself the Son of Heaven and claimed to be the younger brother of Christ and tried to overthrow the Qing Dynasty.
    This man gave others these crazy ideas of trying to be another Jesus and they still try it today.
  • Sino-French War

    Sino-French War
    All these wars change the history and therefore change the way Chinese people live.
  • Sino-Japanese War

    Sino-Japanese War
  • Empress Dowager Cixi suppressed Emperor Guangxu's plans.

    Empress Dowager Cixi suppressed Emperor Guangxu's plans.
  • Boxer Rebellion occurred.

    Boxer Rebellion occurred.
  • Qing Dynasty was overthrown by revolutionaries.

    Qing Dynasty was overthrown by revolutionaries.