Victor Elementary 2020

  • Commitment to change

    Commitment to change
    Victor teachers and staff make a goal to break the mold of traditional style teaching. Reading, Writing and Arithmetic now immersed in cross curricular learning using the elements of blended, project based, service learning. This "out of box" way of educating Victor students will be piloted at Victor beginning in September 2017.
  • Goal: Individualized Learning-- Provide Professional Development for Teachers in the areas of Blended Learning, Project Based Learning, and Service Learning

    Goal: Individualized Learning-- Provide Professional Development for Teachers in the areas of Blended Learning, Project Based Learning, and Service Learning
    Victor teachers create a PD plan to shift their instructional focus to develop independent learners who will have access to learning anywhere and anytime. Victor students will integrate 21st-century skills such as critical thinking, information literacy and social skills and will gain knowledge to understand and solve real-world situations.

    From October 2016 through June 2017. Victor teachers and staff will be involved in effective Lesson Studys focused on best practices related to blended learning, project based learning, and data analysis.
  • PILOT "INDIVIDUALIZED" Education at each grade level

    PILOT "INDIVIDUALIZED" Education at each grade level
    During the 2017 School Year. Two teachers from each grade level will pilot an instructional program based on individualized education. PD will continue for all teachers and staff.
  • Where did my desk go? Homework?! IEPs for all!

    Where did my desk go? Homework?! IEPs for all!
    Full implementation. Victor shifts to project based, blended and service oriented learning, Victor students will fully utilize the best in technology in order to learn at their independent level. Online programs and small group, targeted instruction will be utilized so that ALL students can work at their skill and ability level. Education plans for each student will be created based on data received from formative and curriculum based assessments. "Anywhere/Anytime" learning ends "homework."
  • Global Focus

    Global Focus
    Now that every child at Victor has full access to tablets and and are adept at communicating, creating, and critical thinking, Victor teachers will create teaching units that incorporate students being involved in service learning. They identify particular social problems and through project based learning will work on finding solutions to that problem. Continued Professional development will be implemented to help guide teachers at all levels with this implementation.
  • Victor Elementary: The Epitomy of 21st Century Learning

    Victor Elementary: The Epitomy of 21st Century Learning
    Victor is fully committed to ensuring that all students from Kindergarten to 5th grade do not only learn the fundamentals, but are engaged in an individualized program focused on learning creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration that is essential to prepare our students for the future.