Bunny on table

Veterinary School- Emily Perea

  • Classes to take in High School

    Classes to take in High School
    Date: Now- 2015 (graduation)
    Some of the classes that I will be taking in high school to prepare me for veterinary school will be:
    Human Anatomy (currently enrolled)
    Algebra/ Physics
    Social Sciences
    I will need about a 3.58 GPA; on a 4.00 scale.
  • Period: to



    I have already taken my PSAT last October. During my Junior year, I wil be taking my SAT and ACT. If I decide to go to Fort Collins, on average the students have an ACT composite score of 24.7.
  • Scholarships

    Honestly, at this point in the game it will ba hard to determine what scholarships I will be elegible for. I am not a minority, not first generation college student, I am not a military daughter, etc... I think once I take my SAT/ ACTs, I will have a better grasp on my elegibility for scholarships.
  • College Visits

    College Visits
    I will be visiting NC State University in Raleigh, North Carolina. I want to visit this college because if I go out of state, I would love to be in NC with my family.
    I want to also visit Fort Collins, CSU. They are close to home and ranked #3 in the country.
  • Travel Plans

    Travel Plans
    If I were to visit North Carolina, the cost for a round trip, for me to stay for 10 days would be about $350 dollars for the flight alone. I would not have to pay for a hotel because I could just stay with my family in their homes. If I wwanted to visit Fort Collins, it would obviously be cheap because it is so close.
  • College Applications

    College Applications
    I will most likely be going to Fort Collins. For this college, to apply I will need:
    $50 fee
    400-500 Word Personal Statement
    High School Transcript
    ACT/SAT Results
  • Volunteer Work/ Internship

    Volunteer Work/ Internship
    I will want to volunteer at places like the Humane Society, Mill Dog Rescue, 9 Lives Rescue, and possibly Intern for a veterinary office in the Springs. I want to do this over the summer because I won't have time during the school year.
  • Classes to Take in College

    Classes to Take in College
    Classes that are generally required to take in college will be:
    English, 2 Semesters
    Biology, 2 Semesters with Lab
    Chemistry, 2 Semesters with Lab
    Organic Chemistry, 2 Semesters with Lab
    Physics, 2 Semesters
    Math, 1 Semster Calculus, 1 Semester Stats
    Biochemistry, 1 Semester
    Microbiology, 1 Semester
    Genetics, 2 Semesters
  • SIgnificant Events

    SIgnificant Events
    My significant events are hard to determine. I think a life changing experience will be all the volunteer work I will do. I really want to help out and I feel like that will be significant in making me feel of need to the community.