Started honors and AP classes.
I started off my sophmore year of highschool taking all honors and or AP classes. I plan to continue taking these classes plus some for the rest of my high school years. I want to challenge myself to be and do the best I can. -
Got first job.
I got my very first job at Kimball's Twin Peak movie theater. The job is getting me prepared to start taking responsability for my own money and working hard to earn it. -
Take very first AP exam.
I am putting everything that I have learned into a huge test at the end of the school year with my US History AP exam. If I do well on the test, I will be able to get college credit for history classes. -
Get a summer job.
I plan to get a summer job along with my current job at the movie theater. I hope to get hired as a lifeguard at Valley Swim Club. I need to start saving up my money in order to save up gas money as well as money for college. -
Volunteer work.
I plan on volunteering over the summer in various places. I want to help around my community to make it a better place. Volunteering will also help me to get community service hours which look good on college and work applications. -
AP Exams.
My junior year of high school I will be taking several AP classes. These classes include English/Comp, Calculus, and Pyschology. Along with taking these classes means I can be tested at the end of the year with AP exams. Hopefully I do well enough on the AP exams to get college credits for all of the classes. -
Look for scholarships.
By my junior year in high school, I plan on having started looking for scholarship opprotunities. College is extremely expensive so anything that I could get would help. I plan on working very hard to get good grades and not get into any sort of trouble in order to achieve this. -
SATs and ACTs.
My junior and senoir years of high school I will take my SATs and ACTs. These tests are extremly important. Colleges look at scores and depending on how well I do, they will hopefully open me up for college opprotunities. -
Graduate high school.
I plan on graduating from Palmer High School in 2015. I will have graduated hopefully with good grades all four years, scholarship opprotunites, and memories and friendships that will last me a life time. -
Start college.
In August of 2015 I plan on starting college. I am still not completely sure where I will be attending school, or on what I will be majoring in. However, I am very much so looking forward to the opprotunites to come. -
Make college visits.
When it comes to my senior year in high school, it's about time to choose which college I will be attending. I plan on making visits to the top schools of my choice. I will take tours of each campus and get a chnace to soak in the environment. By doing so I will be able to decide which college is going to be the best fit for me. -
Graduate college.
Depending on what I choose to major in, I will likely be graduating college in May of 2019. I will by now be highly educated and ready to move on to bigger and better things, wherever life my take me. -
Travel the world.
It has always been my dream to travel all around the world after college. I may possibly travel somewhere to do a program with the career I am interested in. I may also just travel for the fun of it and the amazing life experiences it will provide me with. -
Start career.
After I have taken the time to do everthing I want and really enjoy my youth, I plan to settle down and begin my career of choice. Still not quite set on a specific path I am going to go down, I hope to have figured it out by then. I want to be sure that I am set on a career that I truely love. -
Start a family.
Once I get my life and everything figured out, I plan on having a family on my own. I want to get married around the age of 27 or 28 and eventually have children. I don't know where life may take me, but for now this is a basic outline of my plans.