Jan 1, 1498
Christopher Columbus landed in Venezuela
Period: Jan 1, 1528 to Jan 1, 1546
The King of Spain ( Charles I ) leased Venezuela to a German banking group to pay off his debts
Jan 1, 1535
The Spanish conquistadors colonize the area of Venezuela
Jan 1, 1550
African slaves were shipped to Venezuela to work on plantations
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Spain combined Venezuela with neighboring territories into one large colony called the Viceroyalty of New GranadaThe Viceroyalty of New Granada consisted of Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and PanamaVenezuelan General Francisco Gabriel de Miranda (1750-181
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civil wars
Overthrow of the king of Spain by Napoleon
The territories of the Viceroyalty of New Granada set up their own independent governments
The territories of the Viceroyalty of New Granada set up their own independent governments
Simon Bolivar and other revolutionary leaders fled abroad
Spain sent troops to South America to quell the uprising of the colonists
General Simon Bolivar defeats royalist forces in the Battle of Boyaca on August 7 and the Republic of Colombia (also known as Gran Colombia) is proclaimed on December 17, consisting of Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador
Spain recognized Venezuela's independence after Simon Bolivar won a major victory against Spanish troops at CaraboboSimon Bolivar established Gran Colombia and became the first president
Ecuador and Venezuela left Gran Colombia to became totally independent
General Jose Antonio Paez became the first president of Venezuela
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General Jose Antonio Paez became the first president of Venezuela
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Gomez ruled Venezuela with strong military backing
Marcos Perez Jimenez became dictator
Jimenez was forced into exile pathing the way for a Venezuelan democracy
Venezuela adopted its current constitution