vacuum cleaner

  • vacuum cleaner

    vacuum cleaner
    <a href='>who made it </a> Ives McGaffey,june 8,1869,spangler tinkered with an old fan motor and attached it to a soap box stapled to broom handle,Using a pillow case as a dust collector, Spangler invented a new portable and electric vacuum cleaner. The old vacuum cleaners were bulky,noisy,smell,and unsuccessful
  • vacuum cleaners

    vacuum cleaners
    $4 pervisit in 1903,they would go to the customers house and clean for them
  • vacuum cleamer

    vacuum cleamer
    James Spangler,he was the first to use both a cloth filter bag and cleaning
  • vacuum cleaners

    vacuum cleaners
    Robert L. Hallock had many invention and his first invention was bread-slicing board and after that he made disposable bag and he made filter fiber in the 1920
  • vacuum cleaner

    James Spangler first customer was his cousin
  • vacuum cleaner

    he made more inventions like clean rugs and stuff
  • vacuum cleaner

    Sir James Pyson,the late 1970's he was invention them to get the dirt and stuff thaty is on the grand and what ever is dirty
  • vacuum cleaners

    he just came up with the bags to aregler one
  • vacuum cleaners

    it did not have a dag anymore so they did not have to put a new one in and out of it