Age 16+
-Self Examinations (skin cancer):
Look for abnormal dark spots, raised moles etc.. following the ABCDE method for detection (A-asymmetry) (B-border) (C-color) (D-Diameter) (E-Evolution)
- Self Examinations (breast cancer):
Looking for abnormal lumps/texture, or discoloration in or around the breast tissue (reported to doctor any abnormalities-lead to mammogram or biopsy) -
Age 18+
-Pap smear (if sexually active at this age or family history of cervical cancers-every 3 years based on risk):
The pap test is a scraping of cells off of the vaginal wall that are then analyzed under a microscope for abnormalities that could point to cancer. -
Age 21-29+
-Genetic Testing:
Find out what you are predisposed to developing (if colon cancer an early colonoscopy may be suggested) -
Age 30+
-Pap Smear and HPV blood test (every 5 years) or just continue pap every 3 years -
Age 40-50
-Mammograms (continued annually at age 45+)
A mammogram is imaging of breast tissue for abnormalities that could point to breast cancer
(Self breast exams are also necessary) -
Age 50+
-Chest X-ray or CT scans (lung cancer test 55+ if smoker=higher risk):
Diagnostic images to analyze abnormal lung tissue such as dark spots on x-ray etc..
-Colonoscopy (sigmoid or Double contrast barium Enima-possible early detections-talk to doctor) (colorectal cancer screening):
Full colonoscopy is the exploration of the colon with a camera- completed annually to look for abnormalities including polyps in the colon and rectum.
-Mammograms every 2 years at 50+ if no irregular tests thus far