Period: to
The Cold War
The Loyalty Program
The loyality program was established by President Truman and was meant to root out any communist influnce in the government at the time. -
HUAC and Hollywood
HUAC charged that multiple hollywood figures had Communist leanings that affected their filmmaking. -
Hollywood Ten
HUAC made multiple hollywood writers, directors, actors, and producers to testify. They were cited for contempt of Congress abd served jail time ranging from 6 months to a year. -
HUAC investiages Alger Hiss
HUAC investigated Hiss, a high-ranking State Department offical, for being a suspected communist in the 1930s. -
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are executed
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are accused of being Russian spies. They were executed for giving secrets to the Soviet Union about the atomic bomb. -
McCarran-Walter Act
The law reaffirmed the quota system for each country that had been established in 1924. It discriminated against immigrants from Asia and from Southern and Central Europe. -
McCarthy accuses people of communism
Senator Joseph McCarthy gained national attention by claiming that he had a list of 205 known communists in the State Department. -
The Cuban Missile Crisis begins
The U.S. discovers that the Soviet Union has put nuclear missiles in Cuba, 90 miles from the U.S. President John Kennedy demands that the missiles be removed and after 13 days of tense negotiations, Khrushchev agrees. -
JFK Assassinated
John F. Kennedy is shot and killed in Dallas. He was shot twice, and an hour after his death Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested for the crime. -
Johnson Not Running for Re-election
Johnson announces he is not running for reelection because he wanted to spend more time with his family and he was afraid he would not live until the end of his term if re-elected -
No More American Involvment in Veitnam
The Paris Peace Accords end American involvement in the Vietnam War. Congress cuts off funds for the bombing of Indochina.