The War Of 1812

By ravery
  • Period: to

    war of 1812

  • Ussconstitution Scoresvictory

    Ussconstitution Scoresvictory
    1.The Ussconstitution the british warship
    2.American sailors nicknamed the constitution "old Ironship"
    3.It semd constitution were made of iron
    4.The ships hull was two feet thick
    5.It was the most famous ship of the war 1812
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Battle of Lake Erie
    1.American forces had better on lake Erie
    2.Both sides were aware of the import of the lake
    3.During the battle the American flagship was badly dameged
    4.The American cammander oliver Hazard Perry swiched toanother shp
    5.the British were forced to leave
  • Battle Of Horseshoe Bend

    Battle Of Horseshoe Bend
  • Washington D.C, attacked and burned

    Washington D.C, attacked and burned
    1.A british force marched into the city
    2.The presedents wife coverd up all the peresedents important paper
    3.The army could not defeat washington
    4.. the bristish set fire on 7 important bulidings
    5.The british strategy was to attack the nations capital
  • Writeing the star spangeld banner

    Writeing the star spangeld banner
    1.The story of his night watch
    2. the story became popular
    3.In 1931 congress made it to the natianl anthem of the united states