USA HISTORY 1900 - 2020

By ina1234
  • Period: to

    USA history 1900-2020

  • The roaring twenties

    The roaring twenties was a very happy and special time in USA history, with much industrial growt. When the Stock market crash came in 1929, the happy time stopped.
  • The great depression

    The Stock Market Chrash in 1929 led to the great depression. The 1930s was a decade with poverty, struggle and much unemployment. At the end of the decade WW1 broke out in Europe.
  • WW2

    USA were not onvolved in WW2, but when Pearl Harbour ( a US navyn base in Hawaii) was attaced by japanese in 1941 USA enered the was on the side of the allies. No battles took place on USA ground, and they didnt get any demage.
  • Growth in all areas

    This decade was a really good one for the USA. Everything growed, economic, political, military, and population. The USA got a lot more money and were called one of the worlds superpowers economicly and politically. They got, refrigerators, televison, and cars got common. A bad thing that came with this power was the cold war.
  • War and change

    The 1960 was a decade of both war and change. It was the
    era of the Clvii Rights Movement, the Space Race, the
    Kennedys, the Cold War, the Vietnam War and the hippies. A lot in one decade.
  • Continue of 1960

    Everything from the 1960 just continued into the 1970
  • Ronald Reagan and conservative USA.

    The country was in a Cold War with the Soviet Union. In
    1989 the Berlin Wall came down and the Cold War came to
    an end, leaving the USA as the world’s only superpower. The 80s will also be remembered as the decade of MTW
    and the music video, and famous people like Madonna and Mlchael
  • Information Revolution

    In 1991, there was a short war in the middle east. The most significant changes technologically were internet and PC. This “Information Revolution” has changed both our personal lives and our professional lives. At the end of the decade, reality TV became a new popular genre.
  • Presidents

    From 2001 - 2009 George Bush was president, but Obama took over from 2009 - 2017, he borught new hope to USAs population. He was also the first African president in USA. In 2017 Donald Trump became USAs president.
  • The day that changed the world.

    On September 11, 2001, terror struck on US soil and 3000 people died. . Two crashed into the Twin Towers on Manhattan, one hit the Pentagon and the fourth plane missed its target and crashed. 9/11 will always be remembered as the “day that changed the world” and the beginning of the Global War on Terror.