The city of Boston is founded.
independence from Great Britain.
First constitution of the United States.
The city of Los Angeles is founded.
George Washington is named the first president of the United States of America
New York is named capital of the United States
Philadelphia is the new capital of the country.
Washington DC is founded. It is the new capital of the United States.
The Oregon Treaty is signed between the United States and Great Britain.
Abraham Lincoln is elected president. Abolition of slavery. Divergences between the south and the north, since the south was not in favor of abolishing slavery.
Period: to
United States Civil War
Wounded Knee massacre. Last great conflict between Indians and whites.
Victory over Spain in the Spanish-American War. Spain loses the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Cuba.
Japan attacks Pearl Harbour. The US enters World War II.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing.
Assassination in Dallas of J.F. Kennedy.
Two planes crash into the twin towers. More than 4000 dead. Al Quaeda claims responsibility for the attack.
Katrina devastates New Orleans. Thousands of dead.
In the United States, Barack Obama is sworn in as President of the United States. Becoming the first mulatto president of that country.