U.S. Imperialism: Phillippines

By thebhf
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    Progression of Expansionist History

    The progression of expansionist history went into a four-year stall, from early 1893 to 1897, when yet another figure of enormous historical importance, William McKinley, was elected president.
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    War for Independence Before US Arrived in the Phillippines

    Emilio Aguinaldes fought a war for independence and fled to Hong Kong.
  • Filipino Rebels Retreat to Hong Kong

    Filipino Rebels Retreat to Hong Kong
    This is when Dewey and Aguinaldo meet.
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    Got Control Over Spanish Centers

    Fillipinos fought to get control over Spanish Centers and when they took over thet US told them not to take over so US can take over.
  • Dewey Brings Fillipinos Back to Philipines

    Dewey Brings Fillipinos Back to Philipines
    The A U.S. war ship brought the Fillipinos back to Philipines because Dewey knew that he would probably need to get some land-based allies if they were going to fight the Spanish.
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    Spanish-American War

    brief conflict between Spain and the United States out of Spanish policies in Cuba. It was to a large degree, brought about by the efforts of U.S. expansionists
  • Admiral Dewey attacks Spainís holdings in the Philippines.

    The battle was in Manilla Bay. Spainís losses are 381 sailors and all its ships; there is no damage to U.S. vessels, and only eight men are wounded.
  • Surrounds Manila

    Surrounds Manila
    Filipino soldiers surrounds Manila but US ordered to not take over the capital.
  • Fight Spanish Navy

    Fight Spanish Navy
    The US Navy Commandore George Dewey fought the Spanish Navy and got control of Manila Bay. Right afterwards the Fillipinos start fighting the US for independence.
  • The Supreme Court asserts Insular Cases

    The Supreme Court asserts Insular Cases
    Constitution does not apply immediately to annexed territories but that the privileges of Unites States citizenship must be conferred specifically by Congress. This verdict specifically targets the Philippines.
  • League of Anti-Imperialist Unite

    League of Anti-Imperialist Unite
    People who opposed the Spanish-American war and were Anti-Imperialists made a league called the Anti-Imperialists League. Over hundred-thousand people joined.
  • Spanish-American War Ends

    Spanish-American War Ends
    The Spanish-American War ended in a U.S. victory. Spain lost it's New World Empire and both of it's Naval Fleets. Cuba was granted independence. Guam, The Phillipines, and Puerto Rico became U.S. territories.
  • Annexation of Carribean Countries

    Annexation of Carribean Countries
    The U.S. and Spain signed a treaty and Spain sold Guam, Puerto Rico and the Philippines to the U.S. As the U.S. announced its annexation, a skirmish erupted between U.S. and Filipino troops; the Philippine Republic declared war to defend its independence.
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    Philippene American War

    It was a very brutal war. It consisted of 3 years of jungle warfare. This was America's first true colonial war as a world power. After defeating Spain in Cuba and in the Philippines in 1898, the U.S. purchased the Philippines, Puerto Rico and several other islands from the Spanish
  • Emilio Aguialdo Is Captured

    Emilio Aguialdo Is Captured
    Leader of Insurgents, Emilio Aguialdo, is captured.
  • Military Rule is Replaced

    Military Rule is Replaced
    U.S. government replaces military rule in the Phillippines.