US History w3

  • Period: to

    british acts and taxation

    british taxation on the american colonies which resulted in revolutionary war
  • currency act

    caused colonists to get effected by mercantile policies and lost money
  • sugar act

    tax on imported goods such as sugar which hurt colonists by taking their money
  • stamp act

    stamp act
    first direct tax on americans caused tension
  • tea act

    tea act
    british taxation on foreign tea causing americans to buy british tea
  • lexington and concord

    lexington and concord
    First battle of the american revolution. shows that america was ready to fight for independance.
  • Period: to

    revolutionary war

    the war for independence from great britian with general washington leading the american army.
  • fort ticonderoga

    fort ticonderoga
    the seige of fort ticonderoga in new york. the americans captured the british fort in ticonderoga.
  • battle of eutaw springs

    second to last battle. the american army defeated the english army
  • battle of yorktown

    Final battle of revolutionary war. America defeated England.
  • Period: to

    western expansion

    america greatly increased in size as many americans moved to the new territories.
  • louisiana purchase

    louisiana purchase
    president jefferson purchased the louisiana territory from france to start western expansion
  • lewis and clark expedition

    lewis and clark expedition
    3 years after the louisiana purchase, president jefferson sent two men to explore the west
  • gold rush

    western expansion continued as many americans traveled west in search for gold
  • gadsden purchase

    added 30,000 square miles to the united states
  • fort sumter

    fort sumter
    first battle in civil war resulting in 4 states joining the south.
  • Period: to

    civil war

    union vs confederate army
  • battle of gettysburg

    battle of gettysburg
    ended robert e. lee's northern march
  • gettysburg adress

    president lincoln aknowledged the fallen at the site of gettysburg battle in this famous speech
  • confederate surrender

    all confederate generals surrendered ending the civil war.