
The Civil War

  • The Trent Affair

    The Trent Affair
    The Trent Affair was an international incident of diplomacy. After the South's secession from the North, they tried to gain economic and political support from Great Britain and France, however, they were captured by Unionists, so they were never able to make it to Europe. This greatly affected the course of the Civil War and the crippled South returning to the North.
  • The Battle of Shiloh

    The Battle of Shiloh
    This battle was, up until this point, the bloodiest. It was significant because the Union took control of Tennessee, ending any chance at the South regaining it.
  • The Battle of Antietam

    The Battle of Antietam
    This battle gave the Union the victory that Abraham Lincoln had been waiting for. Following this victory, he issued the Emancipation proclamation, altering America's history forever and reigniting the South's desire to stay separate from the North.
  • The Emancipation Proclamation

    The Emancipation Proclamation
    This document was released by Abraham Lincoln at the perfect time during the third year of the war. The Emancipation Proclamation redefined the war and gave the Unionists even more stamina to fight in the war.
  • The Battle of Chancellorsville

    The Battle of Chancellorsville
    This battle was significant because it was the biggest Confederate victory of the entire war. Additionally, at this battle, one of the most prominent generals of the Confederates, General Stonewall Jackson, was shot and died a week later.
  • The Battle of Gettysburg

    The Battle of Gettysburg
    This battle was the turning point of the Civil War. Not only was it the bloodiest battle of the entire war, encompassing the highest number of casualties, but it was also a decisive victory for the Union, finally giving them the upper-hand in the war.
  • New York Draft Riots

    New York Draft Riots
    This riot was in response to the new laws passed by Congress for drafting young and typically working-class men into the Civil War. This was one of the largest civil/racial violent uprising in American history. 120 people were killed and an estimated 2000 were killed.
  • The Battle of Chickamauga

    The Battle of Chickamauga
    This battle was a major victory for Confederates. It was also one of the few times throughout the war that the South was on the offensive.
  • The Gettysburg Address

    The Gettysburg Address
    This short yet powerful speech is considered one of the most influential speeches given in American history. This speech, though controversial at the time, was extremely influential to Northerners, rallying a great support for the Union cause.
  • The Battle of Chattanooga

    The Battle of Chattanooga
    This battle was significant because it gave Union troops a necessary victory. It paved the way for general Sherman to take his troops to Atlanta.
  • Lincoln's Ten Percent Plan

    Lincoln's Ten Percent Plan
    This plan said that once ten percent of voters in a southern state took an oath of loyalty to the Union and recognized that slavery was illegal, that state would be admitted back into the Union. Once a stat was re-admitted, they could then elect new public officials and form new state constitutions that complied with the Union's wishes. This was a major step in reuniting America.
  • The Battle of Wilderness

    The Battle of Wilderness
    Tis battle was important in introducing a new fighting style. Men hid in the forest behind bushes and up in trees, which are similar tactics to those used in modern warfare today. Although Lee won the battle, his forces were unable to stop Grant's regiment from advancing, leaving the battle a draw.
  • Wade-Davis Bill

    Wade-Davis Bill
    This was yet another reconstruction bill. It's was very important to the "reforming" of the United States. However, Lincoln pocket-vetoed the bill because he did not agree with its principles.
  • The Fall of Atlanta

    The Fall of Atlanta
    This battle was significant because it caused so much destruction to the South that would eventually lead to its demise. This siege on Atlanta also gave way to modern warfare techniques known as "total war."
  • The Battle of Nashville

    The Battle of Nashville
    This was the last battle fought in the western part of the United States, from this point forward, battles moved to the Southeast and East. This was yet another Union victory.
  • KKK Founded

    KKK Founded
    The forming of this group marked a horrible time in US history. The radical ideas and practices of this group were racist and inhumane. This group largely kept the more radical practices of racial segregation and discrimination going for years.
  • Introduction of Black Codes

    Introduction of Black Codes
    These black codes did not technically break any laws established by the federal government pertaining to civil liberties; however, they heavily implemented segregation, inequality, and violence towards those of color.
  • Freedman's Bureau Founded

    Freedman's Bureau Founded
    This bureau was important because it was created to help out freed black slaves and poor whites in the aftermath if the Civil War. The Freedmen’s Bureau provided food, housing and medical aid, established schools and offered legal assistance. It also attempted to settle former slaves on Confederate lands confiscated or abandoned during the war. It was important in rebuilding the nation post-war.
  • Lincoln's Assassination

    Lincoln's Assassination
    President Lincoln had just brought the war to an end and was in the process of reuniting the country when he was assassinated. He was a strong leader, so naturally, upon his death, the country was at a serious loss. It greatly affected the process of reconstruction.
  • The passage of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments

    The passage of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments
    These amendments played vital roles in the reconstruction of America. The 13th abolished slavery, the 14th defined citizens rights (all men, regardless of color), and the 15th prohibited the denial of voting to those of color. These amendments changed the way America perceived equality.
    13th- Dec. 6, 1865
    14th- July 9, 1868
    15th- Feb. 3, 1870
  • 1st Reconstruction Act

    1st Reconstruction Act
    This act said that the southern states would be broken up into military districts. There, the president would send soldiers to enforce the natural rights to all citizens and enforce all other Union rules.
  • President Andrew Johnson's Impeachment

    President Andrew Johnson's Impeachment
    Johnson continually blocked reconstruction bills during his standing presidency after Lincoln's assassination. Though he barely escape impeachment by one vote, he continued to veto these bills, however Congress overrode his vetoes for the remainder of his presidency.
  • The End of Reconstruction

    The End of Reconstruction
    The end of reconstruction was marked by the Hayes-Tilden Compromise. This formal end to reconstruction finally made it possible for the country as a whole to move on.
  • Hayes-Tilden Compromise

    Hayes-Tilden Compromise
    The Hayes-Tilden Compromise marked the end of reconstruction and it also removed all troops from the South. This act made it possible for the country as a whole to move on.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    This act presented equal opportunity to all American citizens. It not only applied to colored people, but women as well. This act marked the beginning of a truly equal America.