Independence day united states of america 23406824 1920 1200

US History Timeline (Joseph Oliveras)

  • The New Nation

    The New Nation
    Two Party System The two party system that was established in 1787 consisted of the Federalists and the Democratic-Republican political partys. This system shaped our politcal system that we know and are so acquainted with today!
  • Period: to

    Expansion and Reform

    Second Great Awakening PictureSecond Great Awakening It was a Protestant revival movement started in 1790. The second great awakening brought up most up the religions we know to today.
  • A New Nation

    A New Nation
    Proclamation of Neutrality, 1793 George Washington declared that America s too weak to take sides. This was a very important and intelligent declaration because if America would have took a side, no doubt we would have been destroyed.
  • The American Civil War and Reconstruction

    The American Civil War and Reconstruction
    Rise of Sectionalism
    1800s-1850s The Rise of Sectionalism in the 1800s increased in the different economies, social structures, customs, and political values of the North and South. This pride and difference ultimatley led to the Civil War.
  • A New Nation

    A New Nation
    War of 1812 The War of 1812 was the final war between the United States and the British Empire. This war bought us our freedom. The picture is a famous depiction/scene of the War of 1812.
  • Expansion and Reform

    Expansion and Reform
    The Abolitionist Movement The Abolitionist Movement was started in the 1830s when Quakers spoke out against slavery. Little did they know in just a bit over 100 years, their initiaive would outlaw slavery.
  • The American Frontier!

    The American Frontier!
    The Trail of Tears The Trail of tears was the result of the Indian Removal Act of 1830. During the forced relocation MANY Native Americans died.
  • Expansion and Reform

    Expansion and Reform
    The Manifest Destiny 1845-1847
    The manifest destiny was a period/period in american history where US expanded its borders in Northern America. This created the foundtaion and land of our American States.
  • The American Civil War

    The American Civil War
    The Dred Scott Descion The Dred Scott descion ruled that African Americans were not citizens, and therefore had no standing to sue in federal court.
    This supreme court case was the first of many AA freedom cases.
  • The American Civil War and Reconstruction

    The American Civil War and Reconstruction
    American Civil War
    12 April, 1861- May 9, 1865 The American Civil War was a war between the Union North and the Confederate South sparked by sectionalism. Ultimatley the Union won. Slavery was abolished, territorial integrity was preserved, reconstruction began, but President Lincoln was assainated. (The picture display two soldiers, Left=Union, Right=Confederacy)
  • The American Frontier!

    The American Frontier!
    The Homestead Acts of 1862 The Homestead Acts were a series of acts that pushed for Americans to move West and settle for free or at little cost. This lead to a increase in settlement in the West.
  • The Gilded Age

    The Gilded Age
    Immigration During the Gilded Age there was a large increase in immigration because of jobs and promises of a better life. The result is a large diversity of ethnicity in th US, Mainly cities.
  • The Gilded Age

    The Gilded Age
    Corruption in Politics The GIlded Age was a time where everything looked good but never actually was. There was alot of corruption, manipulation, and intimidation going on. The Pendleton Act, Whiskey Ring Scandal, and the Credit Mobilier Act were the most shameful. The significance is that since than we have not let corruption overcome.
  • The Gilded Age

    The Gilded Age
    Industrial Leaders During this time, leaders rose up and industrialized majorly. The most recognized are Andrew Carnegie: Steel, JD Rockefeller: Oil. Cornelius Vanderbilt: Railroads, JP Morgan: Banking. They made our industrial America. (The picture shows the Steel Industry)
  • Rise of Imperialism

    Rise of Imperialism
    National Superiority Imperialists used ideas like Social Darwinism to justify imperialism. This pride is one of the biggest influences on Imperi0alism then.
  • Progressivism

    Progressivism Amendments were the amendments created in the Progressive Era. They consisted of:
    16th (1913)=Granted Congress the power to tax income.17th (1913)=Provided for the direct election of U.S. Senators.18th (1919)=Prohibited making, selling, or transporting alcohol.
    19th (1920)=Provided women suffrage (voting).
  • The American Frontier!

    The American Frontier!
    Populist Party The Populist Party was based on the "Omaha Platform". It called for free coinage of silver , graduated income tax, direct election of senators, and a 8 hour work day for factory workers. Most significant: It set the stage for the progressive party. (<------ William Jennings Bryan)
  • Age of Imperialism

    Age of Imperialism
    The Spanish American war was a "Splendid Little War"= short and sweet. We had gained Guam, Puerto Rico and the Phillipines.
    (San Juan Hill Battle shown in Pic)
  • Progressivism

    Muckrakers The Muckrakers exposed corruption in big business and politics.
    They helped stop the corruptiuon which led to acts that outlawed different things like alcohol. (That ended up not working so well.)
  • Age of Imperialism

    Age of Imperialism
    President Diplomacy Taft, Monroe, Roosevelt T, and Wilson all had their way diplomacy like the "big stick diplomacy " and the "dollar diplomacy" off Roosevelt and Taft, This influence our imperialism.
    (Roosevelt's Big Stick Diplomacy Cartoon shown)
  • Progressivism

    LONG TIME - Starting after slavery around early 1800s
    Segregated South When Slavery was abolished, although slaves were free there still was a sense of inferiority so blacks were segregated mainly in the South. This was significant because it led to literacy tests, poll taxes, and grandfather clauses.
  • The Great War

    The Great War
    MANIA! M=Militarism
    A=Assasination of Archduke Ferdinand These are the main causes of World War I
  • The Great War

    The Great War
    Trench Warfare Trench Warfare is type of warfare used in WWI where soldiers from both sides dug into big long trenches and shot at each other from them with a series of advancements anf retreats. The main proble with this typw of warfare is that it often resulted in a stalemate.
  • WWII and the Cold War

    WWII and the Cold War
    Axis Leaders Come Into Power Around 1918, the then axis leaders would rise up and start their radical practices. Mussolini, Hirohito, and the most infamous, Hitler came in this rise.
  • The Great War

    The Great War
    Treaty of Versailles Treaty of Versailles ended World War I on severalconditions. The League of Nations was set up, Germany was required to pay up.
  • The Roarin 20s and the Great Depression

    The Roarin 20s and the Great Depression
    Flappers Flappers were a new breed of young Western women in the 1920s who wore short skirts, bobbed their hair, and listened to jazz. Traditional women frowned upon this new generation but they are the foundation of our casual women we know today.
  • The Roarin 20s and the Great Depression

    The Roarin 20s and the Great Depression
    The Model T completely changed how Americans travel. Assembly lines made it possible for it to be mass produced.
    Without a doubt this was one of the biggest succeses in HISTORY.
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    The Roarin 20s and the Great Depression

    The Great Depression Picture (The Migrant Mother) The Great Depression After WWI a huge depression came upon the US. A horrible drop in the economy effected all the people dramatically. People lived in extreme poverty. It is known for being one of the most tragic times in history.
  • Recovery, Prosperity, and Turmoil

    Recovery, Prosperity, and Turmoil
    The Atomic Bomb The atomic bomb started the Arms Race during the Cold War. It was also used at Hiroshima.
  • WWII and the Cold War

    WWII and the Cold War
    V-E Day Victory in Europe Day!Germany surrenders unconditionally and is a BIG turn in WWII. Finding Concentration Camps in the aftermath of V-E is the most horrifying dicovery in WWII. (Holocaust)
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    WWII and the Cold War

    Cold War Picture (I liked this one c: )The Cold War The Cold War was a "cold" war between the USSR and the US because there was no actual fighting. It was a war of intimidation and threats mostly. In the they decided on a treaty to end it all,
  • Period: to

    Recovery, Prosperity, and Turmoil

    Civil Rights Movement PictureThe Civil Rights Movement (The Civil Rights Movement never actually ended so i just put 1970s as a end date.) This Movement was a movement of african americans to gain their freedom they so desired. Most famous for his efforts, Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the main leaders.
  • Recovery, Prosperity, and Turmoil

    Recovery, Prosperity, and Turmoil
    The Vietnam War was a Cold War-era military conflict that occurred in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. It was a sad and unfortunate war. Some say it was the first big war we actually lost since we were so involved.
  • The US Since the Vietnam War

    The US Since the Vietnam War
    Strategic Defense Initiative The Strategic Defense Initiative "Star Wars" was the US's "secret weapon. Ronal Reagan bluffed dem commies into thinking it could wipout any missile they launched at us which made the USSR very worried.
  • The US Since the Vietnam War

    The US Since the Vietnam War
    Berlin War Taken Down On that day the Berlin Wall was taken down along with Communism as a symbol. Then the U.S.S.R. broke up! YAY for Democracy!
  • The US Since the Vietnam War

    The US Since the Vietnam War
    9/11 The biggest tragedy since the Pearl Harbor attack, 9/11 (attack on the Twin Towers, Pentagon. and a stray airplane) was a terrorist attack against the US. This is the official begining of the fight against terrorism. FINALLY DONE! :D