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Us History Timeline for Geo

  • Pilgrims and Plymouth Rock 1500's

    Pilgrims and Plymouth Rock 1500's
    The MayFlower landed in Provincetown near the tip of Cape-Cod. The pilgrams were in search for a new land by leaving England.
    Finally the pilgrams found to be USA, on December 11, 1620.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    The Industrial Revolution was a rapid development of industry that occurred in Britain which introduced machinery, the use of steam power, the growth of factories, and the mass production of manufactured goods.
  • Revolutionary War

    Revolutionary War
    The Revolutionary war was the war that we faught for our independence, against Great Britian. As a result of the war America was granted independence and the Peace of Paris was signed.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence was plagarized by Jefferson. North Carolina was the first colonie to vote for the Declaration, after that seven other colonies joined in favor of the Declaration. In July 4 1776 it was signed by 56 different people.
  • Election of First President

    Election of First President
    George Washington was elected to be the United States president. He was running as an Independent party and recieved 69 Electoral votes out of 138. He won the most popular vote by getting 100% of the votes.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase was a land purchased by the USA from France. The land was 827,000 square miles bought for $15 million west of the Mississippi river.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    Civil war was a war between 2 parts of the USA, the Union and the Confederacy. The main purpose of the war was to either to abolish slavery or keep slavery. The Union was the North side of USA and the Confederacy was the south side. The war lasted 5 years of fighting our own men, finally the Union won and slavery was abolished.
  • WWI

    WWI Was the first offical world war, the war was caused when Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assisnated. The war was Ottoman Empire verses the Allied Powers, by November the Ottoman Empire lost and 9 million soldiers died and 25 million were wounded.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    The Great Depression was the biggest economic downturn, happened right after the market crash. 12-15 Million people were unemployed and were laid off.
  • Dust Bowl

    Dust Bowl
    The Dust Bowl in the 1930's was a time when severe dust storms, that greatly damaged the agriculture of the US. The dust brought a huge drought and the crops and land were destroyed. Farmers had lost most of their money and land.
  • WWII

    World War 2 was between Axis and the Allies. Hitler had been killing millions of Jews and the US and Britian said it was enough and started a war against Hitler. Hitler allied with Japan and fought back it was a long bloody war and very depressing. The USA hindered the war by dropping an atomic bomb on Japan. Hitler was in the war and there was no hope so he commited suicide, end of the war.
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    The Cold war was a war where the US and Britain competed by antagonizing each other through political, military, espionage, propaganda, and army buildups.
  • September 11, 2001

    September 11, 2001
    9/11 Was one of the most depressing days in US history. On that day the twin towers were taken down by planes, two hijackers over took the plane and crashed into the towers. Thousands of people died on that day, many figherfighters risked lives to save others.
  • Obama Elected President

    Obama Elected President
    In Novemeber 2008 Barak Obama was elected president, doesn't seem so interesting right? He was the first black president in the USA it showed how we have changed from the slavery time period to where we are now. This was a huge movement for the blacks and gaining equality in the USA.
  • Death Of Bin Ladin

    Death Of Bin Ladin
    Osama BinLadin was the leader of the terrorist group that attacked the USA on 9/11. He was one of the most hated men in the world, the Navy Team 6 I believe. Osama was just as hated as Hitler and Stalin were, the USA had to kill him.