US History Timeline 2

By LoisMae
  • The invention of the model T

  • The Zimmerman Telegram

  • The WWI armistice

  • The 19th amendment

  • Charles Lindberghs flight

  • Black Thursday

  • The new deal

  • Hitler becomes chancellor

  • The Munich pact

  • Hitler invades Poland

  • Pearl Harbor

  • D-Day

  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki

  • The formation of the United Nations

  • The long telegram

  • The formation of NATO

  • The Russians acquire the atomic bomb

  • The Korean War

  • Brown vs. Board of Education

  • The Vietnam war

  • The Cuban missile crisis

  • JFK’s assassination

  • The gulf of Tonkin resolution

  • Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat

  • The Apollo 11 moon landing

  • The watergate breakins

  • Nixon resignation

  • The invention of the internet

  • The fall of the Berlin Wall

  • The 9/11 attacks

  • COVID 19 pandemic