US History timeline

  • Lexington & Concord.

    Lexington & Concord.
    is known as the "shot heard round the world" it was the start of the american revolution.
  • constitution ratified.

    constitution ratified.
    to limit the power of federal government.
  • Civil War.(1861-1865)

    Civil War.(1861-1865)
    north fought against slavery and south still wanted slavery.
  • World War 1(1914-1918)

    World War 1(1914-1918)
    one of the reasons was because of mutualism between states.
  • World War 2 (1939-1945)

    World War 2 (1939-1945)
    when USA fought versus Germany to free the jews.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The Vietnam war started because American president Eissenhower did not want communism to spread throughout the world .
  • Civil Rights Movemement (1955-1965)

    Civil Rights Movemement (1955-1965)
    It started so african americans can have freedom(;
  • Lunar Landing

    Lunar Landing
    to land men in the moon and return safely to earth.
  • Twin towers attacked

    Twin towers attacked
    terrorist attcked it killing alot of people.