First steam-powered boat in U.S.
Built by John Fitch
He patented stern mounted oars in 1790
Made transportation of goods and people way quicker and provided easier movement upstream
Allowed for easier trade, which benefitted the U.S. economy -
Cotton Gin
Eli Whitney
cotton making became way more sufficient
cotton quickly became the largest cash crop in US
majorly bossted US economy
patent granted on March 14, 1794, but was not validated until 1807 -
Interchangeable Parts
Eli Whitney
made gun-making a lot easier
Congress made it a standard that al guns in military would consist of interchangeable parts
if one part failed, could just order another one instead of having to make a specific piece -
Canals begin construction
increased trade and stimulated economic growth
created new water ways to allow for more water transportation
created many new job opportunities
Erie Canal- the biggest (363 miles) -
The Railroad Locomotive
Tom Thumb- 1st locomotive in America, made by Peter Cooper
only went 10 mph
broadened area of transportation
sped settlement of Western America
expanded trade -
Samuel F.B. Morse
improved communication: allowed for messages to be sent through morse code, had a long range
good tool for transmission of news
businesses soon adapted this to be able to comunicate with markets that they did business with -
Sewing Machine
Elias Howe
his version was different then Hunt's
granted a patent in 1851
able to create clothing and other items made out of cloth quicker