Us History Homework

  • proclamation of 1763

    this document said the no one can settle west of the appalachian mountains
  • Period: to

    Us History Homework

  • the stamp act

    any document had tp have a sticker or staped to it to be inforsed
  • the sugar act

    the sugar act taxed everything imported from america
  • the quatering act

    peopel would have to pay for tropps in a america
  • the stamp act congress

    the congress help the boycott to stop taxes and meet in new york
  • the stamp act is repled

    the stamp act is no longer applied
  • troops start to land in boston

    troops are placied in boston to watch the americans
  • the boston massasre

    4 colomist died from soldires guns and 8 get away with it an 2 are charged eith manslatter
  • declaration of independec was made

    tomas jefferson wrote the declaration of indepence and meet with the congress
  • samuel adams creates sons of libirty

    samuel creats the son of libiry to help he boycotts
  • the tea act

    the britsh parlment changed the bostons tea to a cheaper tea from east india
  • boston tea party

    the people of boston put all of there tea in the alantic
  • battle of lexington and conord

    a battle that happened inbetween france and england that caused the goverment large debt
  • washington was named commander on the continentil army

    washing ton was now the leader of the continentil army
  • Declaration of Independence

    America delcares independce form the united kingdoom