
03.12-Foundations--Timeline Assignment

  • 13 Colonies formed

    The 13 Colonies were the original settlement in where the United States are today. They were originally property of Britain.
  • Mayflower Compact signing

    The Mayflower Compact was a contract that was written by the men onboard the mayflower. It established that they could govern themselves in the new world. They also agreed to follow the rules and regulations of the new government.
  • Book of laws published

    The Book of laws were the first set of written laws in what was called the Plymouth colony.
  • 7 years war start

    This was a war between mainly the British and the french. This was, of course, a 7 year long war. This was basically a war for land. The British wanted to expand there 13 colonies farther west but the french claimed that that was there land. so they went to war over it.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    The Proclamation of 1763 was put into effect by Britain at the end of the 7 years war. It was an attempt to satisfy the Native Americans. They created the proclamation line which was a barrier that separated the British on the east coast from the Native Americans so that the Native Americans could have land.
  • The Sugar act

    The Sugar act was a law that tried to end the smuggling of sugar and molasses into America. It also taxed sugar and molasses to help the British pay back there war debt.
  • The Stamp act

    The Stamp act was a law that said that all printed material (ie. paper) had to have a stamp on it. that stamp was taxed. So basically the settlers were being taxed on paper which upset lawyers and newspaper companys. This event caused the formation of the stamp act congress. The Stamp act congress than decided to boycott British goods.
  • Sons of Liberty Formed

    The Sons of Liberty were a group of Colonialists who organised protests and other ways to rebel against the British. They played a big part in many of the big protests.
  • The Quartering act

    The Quartering act stated that any person in America had to house the soldiers sent to America when they were told to. The Americans did not like this as it was an invasion of there privacy.
  • Townshend Acts

    The Townshend Acts were named after there creator, Charles Townshend. The act basically taxed the colonialists on all of there imported goods. Townshend thought that they would be more likely to pay taxes on there imported goods than on there exported goods. But the colonialists did not want to be taxed on anything. There were many riots because of this one of the riots was the Boston massacre.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre happened when British solders fired there guns into a crowed of people protesting the Townshend act. Five people were killed. These killings are believed by some to be the first killings in the revolutionary war because these killings angered the colonists inspiring there uprising against the British.
  • Tea Act

    The Tea act was a law that was an attempt to save the East India Trading company. It gave the East India Company total monopoly over the tea sales to the 13 colonies. The Colonialists did not like this and this caused the Boston Tea Party.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party occurred when colonists from Massachusetts dressed as Native Americans boarded ships in the Boston harbor dumping tea into the water. They dumped 342 chests of tea into the water. This was a protest against the tea act. The Boston tea party set into effect the Intolerable acts.
  • The Intolerable acts

    The Intolerable Acts were a set of laws so hated by the colonialist that they were nicknamed The Intolerable acts. The Intolerable acts were put in place by the British government to punish the colonists for the Boston tea party. Also. I tried to put all of the Intolerable acts in this part but I ran out of characters so I am doing them all separately.
  • The Quebec Act

    As punishment for the tea party the British took land away from america and gave it to Quebec to the north.
  • Rights and Demands

    The colonies made a group of representatives to make a list of rights and demands that they sent to King George. The group than agreed that if there demands were not met they would meet again in 1775.
  • The Administration of Justice Act

    The Administration of Justice act let any British official or solider that committed a crime in the 13 colonies would have there trial moved to one of the other British colonies to have a fairer trial.
  • Boston Port Act

    The Boston port act was a law that closed the Boston port until the colonials payed back the money lost for the tea that was thrown into the harbor and the taxes on that tea.
  • The Massachusetts government act

    The Massachusetts government act let the British pick the leaders of the 13 colonies. The British could pick judges and the governor.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    The Second Congressional congress met again in 1775 because King George had rejected there list of demands. Because he rejected there demands the Second Congressional congress sent him the "Olive Branch Petition". The Olive Branch Petition was a request for the congress to personally meet with King George. King George refused and made a navy blockade around the east coast of the 13 colonies so that only British ships could come and go.
  • Start of the revolutionary war

    The Revolutionary war was a war between Britain and what is now the United states. This was a huge war for America because we might be British instead of American.
  • Declaration of Independence written

    After the Second Continental Congress found out about the blockade put in place by King George they met along with Thomas Jefferson to create the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence was basically what it sounds like. The Colonists were declaring there Independence from Britain and if Britain did not accept it they would go to war.
  • Common Sense Written

    Common Sense was a book written by Thomas Paine. It explained all of the injustices that King Henry had done to the Colonists such as the Olive Branch Petition. This book inspired the colonists to declare there independence and rebel.
  • Declaratory act

    The Declaratory act came with the ending/repeal of the Stamp act. It basically said that the British could tax the American people just as mush as they could tax the British people. They did not do anything they just said that they could tax the Americans.
  • Britain Formally declares the United States Independence.

    In 1783, the end of the revolutionary war, Britain confirmed that the United States was there own country.
  • Revolutionary war end

    The end of the Revolutionary war marked a large change in the American peoples lives. They were no longer British, they were American.
  • United States Constitution writen

    The Constitution was written after the end of the revolutionary war and when the United States gained there freedom. It was a countrywide set of laws that everyone had to follow.