US History Final

By KassJaz
  • 1. The War for Independence

    1. The War for Independence
    This war was the war that began as a conflict between Great Britain and the thirteen colonies. Then, the thirteen colonies declared independence and became the United States of America. This war/event is significant because it was the beginning of creating America and the way it is today.
  • 2. The Civil War begins

    2. The Civil War begins
    the Civil War started because of uncompromising differences between the free and slave states over the power of the national government to prohibit slavery in the territories that had not yet become states. This event is significant because it shows the many challenges the US went through to become a free country.
  • 3. Segregation and Discrimination

    3. Segregation and Discrimination
    in the 1880's, African Americans faced hostile and violent oppositions from the whites. They were discriminated and treated unequal. In the Southern states, they adopted new legal policies that would weaken the African American political power. African Americans fought through for their equality and were able to achieve it sooner than later. This event is significant because it was an era that would change history from then on for the African Americans.
  • 4. World War I Begins

    4. World War I Begins
    There were four main causes for World War I to start: nationalism, imperialism, militarism, and formation of a system of alliances. The war involved Germany, Britain, and later came in the United States. The US wanted to remain neutral but was difficult to accomplish that when they were sending goods to Britain. This event is significant because it shows the alliance Britain and the United States had throughout the eras.
  • 5. The Holocaust

    5. The Holocaust
    The Holocaust was the systematic murder of 11 million people across Europe, more than half were Jews. For decades, Germans believed Jews were the reason for their failures. Hitler soon saw this as an opportunity to get help from the Germans to get rid of the Jews. This event is significant because it was a time of devastation for everyone and changed the way we see the world now.
  • 8. The American Dream in the Fifties

    8. The American Dream in the Fifties
    In the 1950's, the was a great expansion in business and the economy boomed. The definition of the American Dream was the Suburban Lifestyle because it was the start of new highways, affordable cars, and accessible gasoline. In addition, the media began to become popular to the culture, such as television and the radio. This is significant because this is the start of where the idea of our technological and economical advances came from and how they have further improved.
  • 6. America moves towards War

    6. America moves towards War
    During the time of war, president Roosevelt convinced Congress to pass a policy and provision that would allow the US to send arms and sell them. Later, America moves towards war when Japan decided to attack Pearl Harbor. This event is significant because the attack on Pearl Harbor was devastating and life changing for the US.
  • 7. The War in the Pacific

    7. The War in the Pacific
    The Pacific War was a major theatre of World War II, it covered a majority of the Pacific Ocean, East Asia, and Southeast Asia. This war included many events one of the biggest being the attack on pearl harbor, ending it all was an atomic bomb dropped by the US on Japanese territory. This is significant now because it is one of the reasons atomic bombs are banned, and shows us the fight we had to go through to defend out territory.
  • 9. Women Fight for Equality

    9. Women Fight for Equality
    Women faced social and economical obstacles in society by protesting and leading marches as a united front.They led movements with the central belief of feminism, where they should have political, economic, and social equality as men do. They fought for better pay and better job opportunity, which men had access to. This is significant because it shows us the process of women's realization of what they were limited to, to their successful fight that changed the social norm for women.
  • 10. The New Global Economy

    10. The New Global Economy
    The New Global Economy brought many new inventions with it like cars, washing machines, and even new ways to get work done faster. Along with this new technology it brought less jobs, because there was more money being spent many people could not keep their jobs. Machines began to replace many jobs that used to be hand done. This effects us now because it was the start of a very technological life that we live now, it shows the beginning of a new way of living that still is evolving today.