• colonial america

    Delaware, 1638
    Pennsylvania 1682
    , New Jersey,1664
    Georgia, 1732
    Massachusetts Bay,1630
    Maryland, 1634
    South Carolina,1663
    New Hampshire,1623
    New York,1664
    North Carolina,1653
    and Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.1636
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    The French and Indian War

    lasted 7 years
    the americas were part of britain
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    The american revolution

    April 19, 1775 – September 3, 1783
  • decleration of idependence

    decleration of idependence
    July 4, 1776
    thomas jefferson wrote it
    three rights in it are life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness
  • constitutional convention

    constitutional convention
    May 25 to September 17, 1787 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
    benjamin franklin is the oldest member present
    the constitution was written
  • louisianna purchase

    louisianna purchase
    827,000 square miles of land that only cost 15 Million dollars
    between the U.S. and France
  • Period: to

    The womens rights movement

    they wanted women to have there rights/ equality
    Jeannette Rankin was one of the leaders
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    civil war

    the civil war was from April 12, 1861 – May 9, 1865
    the president was abraham lincoln
    the main reason for the war was slavery
  • the Emancapation Proclomation

    the Emancapation Proclomation
    January 1, 1863
    all slaves in rebel states are free
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    The Spanish American War

    April 25, 1898 – August 12, 1898
    (3 months, 2 weeks and 4 days)
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    World War 1

    28 July 1914 – 11 November 1918
    (4 years, 3 months and 2 weeks)
    Woodrow wilson was president
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    Great depression

    the unemployment rate increased and the economy began to fail
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    World War 2

    it lasted from 1 September 1939 – 2 September 1945 (6 years and 1 day)
    this was against germany. japan, and italy
    franklin roosevelt was president
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    The Cold War

    A war between USSR (russia) and the US (United States)
  • civil rights movement

    civil rights movement
    1954 – 1968
    the main reason was to end segregation racism and discrimination
  • 9/11

    terrorist attacked the united states by crashing planes into the twin towers in new york