Thistle Mudslide
The Thistle Mudslide is located up Spanish Fork Canyon Utah. Before the flooding and mudslides had happened, there was a little town that was there. The mudslide has flooded that town, so it is no longer there anymore. Today, some houses are still up, and you can see some houses half under water. The mudslide had dammed the Spanish Fork river. I interviewed my dad on this event and he said that our good friends dad owned the ranch that was there. He had lost lots of livestock. -
Nine Eleven
Nine Eleven happened on September 11, 2001. There were two of four planes that crashed into the twin towers in NYC. I had interviewed my sister and her and my parents were in a hotel in Wyoming! The morning that it happened she said that my mom was watching the news, and they were talking about the first plane. Then after a few minutes she watched the second plane crash into the other tower. -
The Day I Was Born
I was born on February 8, 2006. I was born at Utah Valley Hospital. I had interviewed my mom and she said that the day I was born she had to rush to the hospital in the middle of the night with my dad. It was a snowy day when I was born! -
My Uncle Nick Passed Away
My Uncle, Nicholas James Ivie, has passed away in early October 2012. He was in the horse and border patrol. Very early in the morning he was shot and killed, as a friendly fire. It happened in an Arizona town on the border with Mexico. He had a wife and two kids and had lived in Arizona at the time. He had been an agent since 2008 and loved what he was doing! -
Hurricane Harvey
Hurricane Harvey was a category 4 hurricane that hit all over Texas and the Caribbean in 2017. Lots of buildings were tore down or flooded. It had impacted history because it was very large and even developed a tropical wave. $125 billion worth of stuff was lost. -
Becoming an Aunt!
My oldest sister had a baby girl! Her name is Emery Jo Morgan and gets very spoiled! It was exciting for everyone because it my sister is the only one that has had a baby in my family. I remember the day that she was born and I couldn’t wait any longer to see her! She was very small and so cute! -
Winning DFRC Rodeo Queen
The first of summer 2019, I won the Diamond Fork Riding Club Winter Series Little Buckaroo Rodeo Queen 2019! It is a very long title so for rodeos we shortened it to, 2019 Winter Series LBR Queen. It was in the evening and I rode my reining horse Remi. He is a bae horse with 1 1/5 ears! I had worn a pink outfit, and was very nervous, but ended up doing my best contest yet! I was very excited because it was also the first year that they decided to have a rodeo queen for that rodeo! -
The First Day Of 8th Grade
The first day of 8th grade was just a day full of classroom rules and expectations. There were lots of disclosure documents given to me to me and my parents to sign. I was very happy to see my friends that I hadn’t seen over the summer!