us history b timeline

  • model t ford

  • zimmerman telegram

  • ww1 armstice

  • 19th amendment

  • lindberg flight

  • black thursday

  • hitler becomes chancellor

  • Period: to

    new deal

  • munich pact

  • invasion of poland

  • pearl harbor

  • d day

  • hiroshima and nagasaki

  • united nations forms

  • the long telegram

  • NATO

  • russia steals a fun toy

  • korean war

  • brown v board of education

  • rosa parks sits on a bus

  • vietnam war

  • cuban missle crisis

  • jfk kild

  • gulf of tonkin resolution

  • first man on the moon

  • watergate

  • nixon resigns

  • fall of berlin wall

  • the internet

  • 9/11

  • covid