Model T
The Model Tis from Ford. The car was so popular that about15 million cars were produced in the span of 19 years. -
Zimmerman Telegram
British deciphered a telegram from German Foreign Minister Authur Zimmermann to the German Minister in Mexico offering US Territory to Mexico if they joined in the German cause. -
WW1 Armistice
World War 1 fighting stopped because of the signing of the armistice between the Allies and Germany. -
19 Ammendment
Granted all American women the right to vote -
Charles Lindburgh's Flight
At age 25, the pilot became the first to solo fly across the Atlantic Ocean. -
Black Thursday
The begin of the stock market crash and economic collapse of the Great Depression. -
New Deal
Domestic programs enacted in the US. Theywere laws being passed by Congress and Presidential Executives. (1933-1937) -
Hitler became Chancellor
Hitler came into power in Germany. -
The Munich Pact
The Munich Agreement was an agreement between France, Italy, Nazi Germany and Britain. British and French tried to get Hitler to agree not to use his military in future in return for the land he had taken. -
Hitler invades Poland
Germany invaded Poland and defeated them quickly. -
Pearl Harbor
Surprise attack on the Hawaiian military base by the Japanese. The World War was going on and the US was staying out of the war until we were attacked on this day. Perpetuated the US into participating in the war. -
D Day
Allied forces stormed the beaches of Normandy France. They wee heavily fortifyed and began the end of the Nazi reign. -
Formation of theUnited Nations
To make progress against the Axis Powers, the nations teamed up to be unified in the cause. -
Hiroshima Bombing
With the consent of the UK, the US dropped atomic bombs in an effort to end the WW2. -
The Long Telegram
8,000 word telegram comenting on the nature of Stalin. -
Formationof NATO
In an effort to combat the spread of communism, NATOand the Warsaw pact were made. -
Russia gets Atomic Bomb
Russia took everyone by surprise by exploding their first atomic bomb. They were never expected to obtain nuclear knowledge so soon. -
Korean War
The North and Soth began to fight. TheNorth was the communist and controlling side and the South was the independant and more free side. -
Brown v Board of Education
Declared seperate schools for white and black students was unconstitutional. -
Vietnam War
The US was South Vietnam's principaled ally and we helped against the attacks of the VietCong. -
Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat in a colored section ofa bus for a white man after the white section was filled. She wasnt the first to resist bus segregation. -
Creationof the Internet as we know it today -
Cuban Missle Crisis
Russia wasstoring missles in Cuba and it was a scare to the US as if they wee planning an attack. -
JFK Assasination
JFK was the35th president and was in office for 2 short years -
Gulf of Tonkin Reselution
Authorized President Johnson totake any measures seen fit to retaliate or keep the peace in SouthEast Asia -
Moon Landing
Apollo 11 Landed on the moon!!!! One smallstep for man, one giant step for mankind. -
Watergate Breakin
Break in at Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C. and President Richard Nixon's administration's attempted cover-up of its involvement. -
Nixon Resigns
Nixon nominated, and Congress approved, House Minority Leader Gerald R. Ford as Vice President. Faced with what seemed almost certain impeachment, Nixon announced on August 8, 1974, that he would resign the next day to begin "that process of healing which is so desperately needed in America." -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
Seperated Berlin -
9/11 Attacks
The Twin Towers in NYwere crashed into and attacked by commercial airplanes.