US History B

  • The invention of the Model T

    The invention of the Model T
    It was the first car that was mass-produced.
  • The Zimmerman Telegram

    The Zimmerman Telegram
    The Zimmerman Telegram was a secret diplomatic note that was sent to Mexico from Germany and said that they should align if the United States entered the war.
  • World War 1 Armistice

    World War 1 Armistice
    It was the end of the first world war.
  • The 19th Amendment

    The 19th Amendment
    It grants the right for all women to vote.
  • Charles Lindberghs Flight

    Charles Lindberghs Flight
    It was the first flight across the Atlantic.
  • Black Thursday

    Black Thursday
    It was the crash of the stock market.
  • The New Deal

    The New Deal
    It was when the president tried to fix the stock market crash.
  • Hitler becomes chancellor

    Hitler becomes chancellor
    He won the election by controlling the nazi party.
  • The Munich Peace Pact

    The Munich Peace Pact
    It was the agreement that allowed Germany to annex the Sudetenland.
  • Hitler Invades Poland

    Hitler Invades Poland
    Germany invaded Poland and started WW2.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japan attacks the neutral country of the United States and brought them into WW2
  • D-day

    It is the combined invasion of the US, Britain, and the commonwealth.
  • Hiroshima

    It was when the United States dropped Little boy.
  • Nagasaki

    It was when the United States dropped the fat man.
  • The Formation of the United Nations

    The Formation of the United Nations
    They try to maintain peace and to keep the world safe.
  • The Long Telegram

    The Long Telegram
    It was what made the US and the soviet union hate each other more.
  • The formation of NATO

    The formation of NATO
    It was an agreement to keep safe from the soviet union.
  • Russians acquire the Atomic Bomb

    Russians acquire the Atomic Bomb
    The Russians get their own atomic bomb.
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    The Korean War

    North and South Korea started fighting and the US helped south Koera.
  • Brown v Board of Education

    Brown v Board of Education
    It was when they changed the school system to allow black people to go to school.
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    The Vietnam War

    The US went to war with Vietnam so they could stop the spread of communism.
  • Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat

    Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat
    Rosa parks does not give her seat to a white man on a bus and she gets arrested.
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    The Cuban Missile Crisis

    It was when the two superpowers had a stand-off and almost started a world war.
  • JFK's Assassination

    JFK's Assassination
    He was shot when he was in texas.
  • The gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    The gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    It said that they would be able to take any measures necesery.
  • The Apollo 11 Moon Landing

    The Apollo 11 Moon Landing
    It was the first time someone landed on the moon.
  • The Watergate Break-ins

    The Watergate Break-ins
    It was when people broke into the national headquarters of the democratic party.
  • Nixon's Resignation

    Nixon's Resignation
    Nixon was kicked out of the office.
  • The invention of the internet

    The invention of the internet
    The internet was born.
  • The Fall of the Berlin Wall

    The Fall of the Berlin Wall
    They took the wall down that was separating the country.
  • 9/11

    When isis took down the twin towers.
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    Covid 19 pandemic

    The start of new diseases.