Us history B

By Plan_B
  • Invention of model T

  • The Zimmerman telegram

  • WW1 armistice

  • 19 Amendment

  • Charles Lindbergh flight

  • Black Thursday

  • The new deal

  • Hitler becomes chancellor

  • Munich pact

  • Hitler invades Polend

  • Peral harbor

  • D-Day

  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki

  • Formation of United Nations

  • The long telegram

  • Formation of NATO

  • Russians get the atomic bomb

  • The Korean war

  • Brown V Board of education

  • Vietnam war

  • Rosa Parks refuses to give up seat

  • Cuban missile crisis

  • JFK assassination

  • apollo 11 moon landing

  • Watergate break in

  • Nixon's reignition

  • Invention of the internet

  • fall of berlin wall

  • 9/11 attack

  • Covid-19 Pandemic