The Massacre at Sand Creek
Westward expansion brought many benefits to the US, however it also brought more tensions and violence with the Native Americans.Americans felt it was their right to the land and were not afrid to battle. During this attack Hunderds of American soliders massacred almost an entire tribe of Native Americans in Colorado territory, only stirring the pot more with tensions betwwen the two societies. http://www.historynet.com/sand-creek-massacre -
The Martinsburg Strike
The Industrial Revolution brought on many new factories and jobs, but it also created many new problems. Workers were treated unfairly, forced into dangerous conditions, and paid little for their back-breaking work. Especially in the railroad industry the workers were fed up with the way they were being handled. The workers in West Virginia formed a union strike. The powers above the workers took control, but the workers had made a statement. http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu -
Period: to
United States History 1877- Present
This timeline covers the beginning of the 20th century into the 21st century. It is a brief compilation of the most important ideas, events, and figures from the time period in US history. -
Robber Barons or Captains of Industry
The Industrial Revolution was a time for new invention but also a way for smart businessmen to become rich. This is exactly what men like John. D Rockefeller or Andrew Carnegie did. These men created monopoies on factories and resouces. While these men were becomign rich the facotry workers were having pay cuts. This is why these men were robber barons. At the end of their lives, these men were filanthropic and gave away most of their earnings.https://www.boundless.com/u-s-history -
United States Imperialism
During the 19th century the United States was in a good place. The industrial revolution was underway, govenrment and the economy was good, and many people were taking advantage of Westward expansion. Since the Us was in a good place many citiznes wanted to keep expanding. During the end of the 19th and early 20th century the United Sates aquired more and more land for their own. The land provided more trade deals, citizens, and most importantly resources. unitedstatesimperialism.com -
World War I
World War I was the result of the tensions between European countries building up and bubbling over. The two sides were the Allies and the Central Powers. This was was one the bloodiest and most brutal in histoyr. New technology gave each side more power ands suprised many people at the destruction it could casue. The US did not enter the was until it has been going on for two years. The entrance of the US was one of the boosts the allies needed to win the war.www.history.comworldwarI -
United States Isolationism
The US was in a stable position at the beginning of the 20th century. The last thing they needed was to launch themsleves into another war just to get burned. When WWI started up the US continued trade with each side but would not involve themseles mroe than that. Woodrow Wilson Was persistant on this policy but when Germany kept taking things too far he knew it was time to take action. For a while the US was able to keep to themselves. https://history.state.gov1937-1945isolationism -
The Harlem Renaissance
Along with the Roaring 20s,the Harlem Renaissance was another step up in culture for African Americans. This was a time when African Americans expirimented with literature, poetry, and music. It was a way to prove they were just as creative and capable as any white American to have a voice and place in society. The movement gave us an entire new world of literature and an entire new genre of jazz, but it also helped to look at racial equality.http://www.pbs.org/wnet/jimcrowharlem.html -
The Great Depression
The Roaring 20s came to an abrupt halt with the stock market crash on wall street. The trew thousands of people with a decent amount of money onto the streets. Thousands of people lost their jobs, savings and their homes. Presiedent Hoover did nto really try and implement systems that would help the country. This only made the US go into a greater depression. It was not until FDR and the New Deal that thousands of people regained their lifes back. www.history.com/topics/greatdepression -
World War II
World war I left many wounds open that it was no surprise a second one erupted shortly after. Again threre were the two sides, however there was another level of complexity. Fascism was becoming widespread and many innocent people were paying. Again the US was neutral for the first several years but when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor it was the US's turn to act. With the help of the advcanced technology and troops once again the US lead the Allies to victory.www.history.comworldwarii -
During the middle of the 20th century many countries in Europe were in ruins, especially Germany from WWI. This lead to dictators and fascism. Fascism is government and leadership through right-wing ideals and totalitarianism. These leaders have complete control and abuse their power. During this time there were several fascists on the rise which was one of the sparks of WWII. https://www.foreignaffairs.com/anthologies/fascism-and-world-war-ii -
The Cold War Era
Despite its title, the Cold War was not a physcial fight. After WWII there were many countries that needed rebuilding and new democracies. At the time the Soviet Union was communist and the US was a democracy. There was now a "race" to see what countries would take on the government of communism or democracy. In addition there were other tensions with trade and land, including the Cuban Missile Crisis. http://www.history.com/topics/cold-war/cold-war-history -
The Civil Rights Movement
After slavery had ended,there was still not quality between races. Fianlly after years of being oppressed African Americans staged many protests in order to gain more equality. These were all peaceful demostrations that were not all well recieved. There were leaders like Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr who gave his famous I Have a Dream Speech. Both races were not completly equal there were steps made to help in the process. www.history.com//civil-rights -
The Vietnam War
In the midst of rebulding after WWII another problem was on the rise: communisum. The US was worried that the communist Soviet Union would influence the entire world with their ways. When problems started in Vietnam the US was first to go aid. After a lot of money, time, and lives all of the American troops left Vietnam. Unfortunatly they had not won this battle and communism spread through Vietnam and its surrounding countries. www.history.com/topics/vietnam-war -
The Cuban Missile Crisis
The Cuban Missile Crisis was one of the larger events during the Cold War. Nulclear weapons were developed duing WWII and now that several countries had possession of them there was a concern for Nuclear Warfare. When Soviet Missiles were found in Cuba to help communist revolution, tensions became higher.The US put a blockade around Cuba and within several weeks of negotiation the missiles were taken away without any harm or destruction. www.cubanmissilecrisis.org -
For so many years Women wanted to be treated equally as men The fight had been ongoing when Abigail Adams told her husband to "remember the ladies" When other movements sparked like the Civil Rights Movement, Women felt it was their time to make a change for themselves. Feminism was a term born to represent the advocacy for Women's equal rights to men. During the movement feminism and female strength and pride were crucial in making changes for Women in the US/historyWomens-Rights.com -
The Watergate Scandal was one during the Nixon administration. When 12 men were arrested at the Watergate DNC complex, questions arose about the president, his reelection and possible other iilegal activities. After much investigation and the discovery of tapes with Nixon expaining his plans congress went into action. Certain of his impeachment, Nixon decided to resign effective immediatly. www.history.comwatergate -
When Reagan went into office the economy was not a good place. The boom from WWII was not longer providing even enough for the middle class. Reagan wanted the systme of trickle down economics so that the wealth would be spread even down to the lowest class. With cutting and propsing budgets Reagan was able to kickstart the economy again.www.econlib.org/libraryReaganomics -
Invention of the Internet
While information could be accessed and passed on, the invention of the internet made this aspect much eaiser. Originally the internet was really only used in the government it was soon upgraded enough so that citizens were able to use it as well. This was a who new revlation that information could be stored and that messages that once took days to travel could take minutes. The internet, as it spread made the US more global and connected with the world.www.nethistoryInternetbeginnings -
Impeachment of Bill Clinton
Every President has their mistakes during a presidency but President Clinton took things a step farther. After beign accused of sexual harrassment and an affair, Bill Clinton lied under oath. With several charges like purgery and the affair, the senate impeached Clinton. He was the second president to be impeached. Only sveral weeks later though Bill Clinton was able to aquitt the charges and finish out his term as president.www.history.compresidentclintonimpeached -
20th Century Globalization
It was not until several wars and peace programs were put in place that the US and the rest of the world began to connect. With the help of more advanced technology communication becoem much eaiser and faster. Many of the great leaders of the world how much stronger they were together than they were apart so they made an effort to come together. We as a world have issues but we are much more connected with the efffort to help eachother and be stronger www.chamberfoundationglobalization