Twin towers

US History 1865-2003

  • The Industrial Revolution

    The Industrial Revolution
    Began in Britan in the 1700`s during the 18th and 19th centuries.
    Improved systems in Transportation, communication, and banking
  • Appomattox

  • Period: to


  • The Reconstruction

    The Reconstruction
    Actually began in 1863.
    Was the beggining of th KKK( Klu Klux Klan)
    Began the Jim Crow laws
  • Spanish American War

    Spanish American War
    The Spanish American War lasted 10 weeks
    It ended on August 12, 1898
  • Annexation of Hawaii

    Annexation of Hawaii
    Extending US territory into the Pacific
    Resulted from Hawaii signing a treaty of friendship with the United States
  • Creation of the Panama Canal

    Creation of the Panama Canal
    Took fourteen years to build.
    Helps goods get shipped quicker, and cheaper between the Atlantic and Pacific coasts
  • World War One

    World War One
    Over 9 million soilders were killed
    Was mainly against Germany
    Ended on November 11, 1918
  • Prohibition/ Roaring 20`s

    Prohibition/ Roaring 20`s
    Also known as The Jazz Age
    Brought change good or bad.
    Gangsters introduced bootlegging.
    Great time of music and was a big time for the stock market.
    Cause of the Great Depression.
  • The great Depression

    The great Depression
    Began with the stick market crash in 1929.
    Production in buisnesses slow down. The Dust Bowl kills many, if not all, crops
  • World War 2

    World War 2
    Went from 1939-1945
    The United States and the Soviet Union were working on internal politics befor the war, and neither France nor Britan wanted to be involved.
    Nearly 40-50 million lives were killed. 9 million were Jews.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Hundreds of Japanese attack planes attacked the American Navel base.
    1000 soilders were wounded. 20 naval vessels were destroyed, along with 200 fighter jets.
  • The Cold War

    The Cold War
    Went from 1947-1991
    The Soiviet expansion in Eastern Europe made the US fear that Russia was planning to attack.
    Both the US and Russia raced to get into space first.The United States succeed.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    Went from June 25, 1950-July 27, 1953
    Began when 75,000 Korean soilders crossed the 38th parrel
    5 million soilders and civilians lost their lives in this war.
    Almost begun a third World War with Russia and China.
  • Veitnam War

    Veitnam War
    From 1954-1975
    Was the North Veitnam and its Southern allies against South Veitnam with the United States.
    500,000 US troops were involved
    Ended by the US seizing control of the Southern allies.
  • Imperialism

    Alfred Thayan Mahan was the geatest strategist during it.
    War broke out with Spain.
    We aquire Hawaii, and The Phillipines,
  • The Gulf War

    The Gulf War
    From August 2, !990-Febuary 28, 1991
    Iraqi leader Sadden Husein orders an attack on neigboring Kutweit.
    Most Iraq soilders in Kutweit either surrendered or fled.
  • 9 11

    9 11
    19 Islamis milliants hijacked 4 airliners. Two of those planes were flown into the World Trade Center in New York City.
    Over 3000 people were killed. More than 400 were policemen or firefighters.
    The third and forth planes were crashed right outside the pentagon and in a field in Pennsylvania
  • Operation Enduring Freedom

    Operation Enduring Freedom
    From October 2001- March 2002
    Left 1.3 million Afgans dead and 5.5 million refuges.
  • Operation Iraqi Freedom

    Operation Iraqi Freedom
    Barrack Obama ended this operation ion August 31, 2010
    Began with the Removal of the Ba`athist regime of Sadden
    One of the largest fronts i the War on Terroism
  • Invasion of Iraq

    Invasion of Iraq