Boston Massacre
In the boston massacre 5 colonist where killed by british soldiers and many where injured. Ita all started when the colonist where throwing snow balls to the soldiers; one of the snow balls had a rock in it and it hit a soldier wich made the soldier fire bu accident. -
Boston Tea Party
On the Boston Tea Party angry bostonian's dressed up as Native Americans threw tea into the boston harbor. The Tea act caused this , the tea act was when the colonist where taxed on tea. They dumped about 18,00 East Indian Tea. -
5 Intolerable Acts By King George
The 5 intolorable acts where the boston port act, Massachusetts Government Act, Administration of Justice Act, The Quartering Act, The Quebec Act; these acts where said by king George. One law shut down the Boston Harbor because colonist refused to pay for there damage, another law stated that the soldiers could sleep in the colonist houses. -
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson was the writter of the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson was also a Anti-Fedralsit. He also was the founding father of the United States. On 1776 as a lawyer in Virginia he was choosen to express the commitee's points and write the Declaration of Independence wich was latter on signed by many men on July 4. -
Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence states that "all men are created equal" all this meant was that all citizens should be free not exactly eual . The Declariation also stated there independence from Britain. The Declaration of Independence was written on June 7 , !776 it was signed on July 4, 1776. -
Artacles of Confedaration
The Artacles of Confedaration is a docoument adopted by the Second Constatutinal Congress in 1777 and aproved in 1781 . The document stated the new form of govement of the United States. -
Treaty of Paris
The Traety of Paris ended the American Revolutionary War between Great Britain on the one hand and the United States of America and its allies on the other. After this the United States spread out from the Alantic Ocean to the Mississippi River and from Canada to the Florida border. -
Shays Rebellion
Shay's Rebellion was because of fianncial diculties, it was also named after Daniel Shay. After this the states feared it was going to happen in there states, not only was pivate property in danger but so was the States reputation. -
Three branches of Goverment
The three branches of goverment are the Judical branch; wich interpets the laws and the supreme court is in charge of it, Executive branch; carrys out the laws and the president is in charge of this branch, and the Legislative branch; makes the laws and congress in charge of this branch. -
The new sysytem of goverment was known as fedralisim beceause it divided power between the national goverment and the state goverments. -
Fedralist & the Anti-fedralist
At this time threre where two types of people fedralist & anti-fedralist. Fedralist favored the new constituion balance of power. The anti-fedralist where aginst the new goverment because they did not like such strong central goverment and where aginst the constitution. -
Bill of rights
The Bill of rights are the first 10 Amedments to the constitution. The bill of righhts where made to satisfy the fedralist and anti fedralist but mostly the ant-fedralist. The bill of rights made things more equal. -
George Washington Becomes President & Creates thr Cabniet
George Washington becomes the first president in 1789 and creates the cabinet. -
Two party System
A two-party system is a system where two major political parties dominate voting in nearly all elections at every level of government. The Democratic party & the Republican party. -
Alexander Hamilton & his plan for creating the Bank of the United States
Alexander Hamilton makes a plan on creating the Bank of the United States to pay for the Nations debt after war.