Sugar Act
The Sugar Act was issued in 1674. The Sugar Act reduced the rate of tax on molasses from sixpence to three pence per gallon, while Grenville took measures that the duty be strictly enforced. The act also listed more foreign goods to be taxed including sugar, certain wines, coffee, pimiento, cambric and printed calico, and further, regulated the export of lumber and iron. The colonists were affected by the Sugar Act by making an almost immediate decline in the rum production in the colonies. As a -
Stamp Act
The Stamp Act was issued on February 6th 1675. An act for granting and applying certain stamp duties, and other duties, in the British colonies and plantations in America, towards further defraying the expenses of defending, protecting, and securing the same; and for amending such parts of the several acts of parliament relating to the trade and revenues of the said colonies and plantations. The colonists were affected by The Stamp Act by cutting down on taxes to pay for defenses and such. -
French and Indian War
The French and Indian War was from 1689 to 1763. This war was caused for colonial domination. The colonists were affected by the French and Indian War by starting open hostilities between the colonists and and Great Britain. As a result of the colonists reaction the spark was lit for war between the colonies and England. As a result of Parliament's action the colonists began to openly express their disagreements with Britain's choices. -
Albany Plan of Union
The Albany Plan of Union was in the year 1754. The Albany Plan of Union was a plan to place the British North American colonies under a more centralized government. The Albany Plan of Union conceived of the colonies of mainland North America as a collective unit, separate from the mother country but also from the other British colonies in the West Indies and elsewhere. -
Battle of Quebec
Battle of Quebec- Fought September 13, 1759. British leaders planned to attack Quebec 1 year after capture of Louisbourg. -
Writs of Assistance
Writs of assistance were first used in Massachusetts in 1761. General search warrants that authorized customhouse officers (with the assistance of a sheriff, justice of the peace, or constable) to search any house for smuggled goods without specifying either the house or the goods.The colonists were affected by these by making it harder to smuggle goods from outside the colonies’ control. As a result of the colonists reaction people started to speak out against these writs. -
Pontiacs War
Pontiac’s war- War that launched in May 1763 due to loose confederation of elements of native americans. Native Americans attacked a number of british forts and settlements. -
Proclomation of 1763
Proclamation of 1763- Took place on October 7, 1763. The end of the french and indian war was a great time of celebration. The caused barriers to be brought down and put away. This act had closed the frontier to the colonial expansion. This act took place because they wanted the Indians to have their own land. The reaction was negative. Many ignored the proclamation and moved to prohibited areas. -
Currency Act
Currency act- September 1, 1764. The colonies had a constant shortage of currency. Parliament passed this to gain control of the colonial currency system. The colonists protested! -
Commities of Corresnpondence
Committees of Correspondence- Committees were formed in 1764 in Boston. These were governments. -
Daughters of Liberty
daughters of liberty 1765. stamp act. These individuals risked their lives and reputations to fight against tyranny. In the end, they are remembered as heroes. brittin marked them as tyrants. The colonists moved on with their lives. -
Sons of Liberty
sons of liberty August 14, 1765.Stamp Act. the raised taxes making everyone upset Before the evening a mob burned Oliver's property on Kilby street, then moved on to his house. There they beheaded the effigy and stoned the house as its occupants looked out in horror. Parliament did nothing to stops this. the colonists carried on with their lives. No one did anything to stop not the militia or sheriff or anyone. -
Townshends Acts
The Townshend Acts were issued in 1766. The revenue from these duties would now be used to pay the salaries of colonial governors. This was not an insignificant change. The colonists were affected by the Townshend Acts by not being able to import again. As a result of Parliament's reaction Extralegal activities such as harassing tax collectors and merchants who violated the boycotts were common. The colonial assemblies sprung into action. -
Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre occurred in March 5, 1770. The Boston Massacre was a street fight that occurred on March 5, 1770, between a "patriot" mob, throwing snowballs, stones, and sticks, and a squad of British soldiers. Several colonists were killed and this led to a campaign by speech-writers to rouse the ire of the citizenry. This led to a campaign by speech-writers to rouse the ire of the citizenry. The Boston Massacre lead to the Revolutionary War. -
Tea Act
The Tea Act was issued on May 10, 1773. It was designed to prop up the East India Company which was floundering financially and burdened with eighteen million pounds of unsold tea. The colonists were affected by the Tea Act by the direct sale of tea, via British agents, would have undercut the business of local merchants. As a result of Parliament’s actions the Colonists in Philadelphia and New York turned the tea ships back to Britain. In Charleston the cargo was left to rot on the docks. -
Boston Tea Party
The Boston Tea Party took place on December 16, 1773. The Boston Tea Party group of Massachusetts Patriots, protesting the monopoly on American tea importation recently granted by Parliament to the East India Company, seized 342 chests of tea in a midnight raid on three tea ships and threw them into the harbor. -
Coercive Acts/Intolerable Act
Coercive Acts/ Intolerable Act-
It was passed on March 31 1774. Four of the acts were passed in direct message to the Boston Tea Party; the British Parliament hoped these punitive measures of the world.
Restricted town meetings to one a year unless the governor approved any more. The Massachusetts assembly could not meet. The governor would appoint all the officials, juries and sheriffs. -
The Loyalists
The loyalists were in movement in 1774. the american revolution was the cause for these people remaining with britain these people were usually killed. -
Quebec Act
Quebec act- 1774. to afford greater rights to the French inhabitants of Canada, which had come under British rule through the Treaty of Paris The colonies considered this one of the intolerable acts. Later, strong protests arose in Massachusetts. -
Restraining Act
Restraining act- 1775 in response to American colonies deciding to boycott British goods. -
The Battle of Lexington and Concord
Lexington and Concord-
The Battle of Lexington and Concord was April 19,1775, kicked off the American Revolutionary War.
Tensions had been building for many years then between residents of the 13 colonies and British troops broke out into war, which was the reason for the battle of Lexington and Concord. -
Second Continental Congress
Second Continental Congress-
The second Continental Congress was in summer of 1775.
To address the growing problem with the British, Boston was being overrun by British Troop and we did not even have an official. -
The Continental Army
The Continental Army was formed after the outbreak of the American revolution by the colonies that became the United states . Established by a resolution of the continental congress on June 14, 1775, it was created to coordinate the military efforts of the thirteen colonies their revolt against the rule of Great Britain The Continental Army was supplemented by local militias and other troops that remained under control of the individual states. General George Washington was the commander-in-chi -
The Battle of Bunker Hill
The Battle of Bunker Hill-
The Battle of Bunker Hill was on June 17,1775, early in the Revolutionary War.
Even though the British defeated the Americans in the Battle of Bunker HIll in Mass the colonist didn’t suffer great casualties and it proved to be an important confidence booster was the reason for battle of bunker hill. -
Olive Brach Petition
Olive Branch Petition-
The date of Olive Branch Petition July 5 1775.
Patriots had hoped that Parliament had curtailed colonial rights without the kings full knowledge, and that the petition would cause him to come to his subjects defense.
The Acts of Parliament affected the colonist during the Olive Branch Petition -
Continental Congress
Continental Congress-
The first Continental Congress was in October 26, 1775.
2The first continental congress, which was comprised of delegates from the colonies, met in 1774 in reaction to Coercive Acts, which is a series of measures imposed by the British government on the colonist in response to their resistance to new taxes, which is the reason to the First Continental Congress. -
Prohibitory Act
Prohibitory act- December 22, 1775. In late 1775 the Parliament of Great Britain decided sterner measures would be taken to subdue the rebellion in the 13 colonies. They decreed a blockade against the trade of the American colonists by passing the Prohibitory Act. The general reaction of colonists or at least patriots was an affirmed desire to fight back! -
Declaration of Independence
Declaration of Independence-
The declaration of Independence date was July 4, 1776
These rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
King George III had violated colonists' rights by passing unfair laws including taxing the colonists without their consent.
The Acts of Parliament affected the Colonist during the Declaration of Independence by having each attempt to request peaceful negotiations was met by neglect and more abuse -
Common Sense
Published in 1776, Common Sense challenged the authority of the British government and the royal monarchy. The plain language that Paine used spoke to the common people of America and was the first work to openly ask for independence from Great Britain. -
The Patriots
The patriots In 1776, NY patriots toppled a statute of the English King and melted the metal to make 42,000 musket rounds for the war effort after hearing George Washington read the Declaration of Independence. -
Policy of non-importation
Policy of non-importation- April 18, 1806. The act was suspended but quickly replaced by the embargo act.