U.S. History

  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    britian prohibited american colonists from settleing west of the appalachian mountains. the british didn't want to pay for defense of the west. Colonists were angry, but they had pay the tax for defense.
  • quarting act

    quarting act
    the qaurtring act was that soilders were able to intrude your house stay there, eat your food, and you had to take care of them.the money the british had for housing troops wasn't spent on that. it was uesd to pay off dept from the war.
  • Period: to

    Road to Revolution

  • stamp act

    stamp act
    the stamp act when all comercial documents had to pay a tax to have an official stamp. the money was used to pay soliders. It was also used to pay dept of the french and indian war.
  • townshed act

    townshed act
    the townshend acts were to raise revenue in the colonies. this placed taxes an goods like paint ,lead ,paper and glass. this money was used to pay british soldiers. they used writs of assitance to search for smuggled goods to enforce the acts.
  • tea act/ boston tea party

    tea act/ boston tea party
    the tea act claimes all tea would be taxed and only be sold by the British East India Company. the colonists were very angry and protested. the boston tea party was formed by the sons of liberty. this group dressed up as indian and boarded three tea ships and thew the tea into the ocean.
  • The Intolerable Acts

    The Intolerable Acts
    After the boston tea party the british were very angry. so beause of this they passed many laws or the intolerable acts as a punishment or warning. some of the acts were to close the boston port and to give british soldoers a place to stay when erver needed.
  • Battles of lexington and concord

    Battles of lexington and concord
    the battles of lexington and concord were the first battles of the revoutionary war. the british were going to destroy the militia's supplies in concord and arrest sam adams and john hancock in lexington. in lexington the british exchained fire but no one knows who shoot the first shoot, but the the militia beat them to concord and rescued the supplies. then the militia and the minutemen suprise attacked the british but the britsh were saved by 1000 soldiers.
  • olive branch potition

    olive branch potition
    the olive branch potition was like a peace treaty with america and the british. the king rejected their offer. instead he punished them by sending german soldiers and closing the port to american ships.
  • Declaration of independence

    Declaration of independence
    the declaration of independence was a document that annouced independence.it was written accordingly to john lokes's philosophy. it was wirten by thomas Jefferson.