USHistorical Events in Deaf Education

By tgg123
  • First School of the Deaf opens

    First School of the Deaf opens
    The first American School of the Deaf was established in Connecticut. It opened up with just seven students and Alice Cogswell being the first to enroll.(Center, 200 years of Deaf Education in America)
  • Gallaudet University Opens

    Gallaudet University Opens
    The leading school in Deaf Education was opened by the founders Edward Miner Gallaudet and Amos Kendall. President Abraham Lincoln signed a bill of charter for this school. This school went from having 12 students to having over 1,500 in 2020. This is a huge artifact to the Deaf Community because this is the leading Deaf University. History & traditions: About. Gallaudet University. (2022, August 23). Retrieved November 13, 2022, from
  • Abraham Lincoln Establishes Gallaudet University

    Abraham Lincoln Establishes Gallaudet University
    Abraham Lincoln signed a charter that helped Gallaudet University. Lincoln believed that this would provide a “fair chance in the race of life” for deaf, hard of hearing, and deaf-blind people because this opened not only education opportunities for them but also employment and business opportunities. This university is still one of the leading universities in the Deaf Community.
    (Cordano, A charter and a champion: The meaning of Lincoln's legacy at Gallaudet: Office of the president 2018)
  • American Sign Language Gets Recognized as a Language

    American Sign Language Gets Recognized as a Language
    In the mid-1900’s people began considering ASL as a language rather than a code for English. William Stokoe helped with this by proposing that ASL is just as much of a language as English. This was a big part of deaf education because more public schools will begin offering ASL to hearing students. (Administrator, 1960: William Stokoe, "Sign language structure")
  • The First Cochlear Implant was Developed

    The First Cochlear Implant was Developed
    William House and John Doyle changed the game for the Deaf Community when he developed the first cochlear implant. This changed education in the Deaf Community because the Deaf students that don’t have the opportunity to go to a deaf school were able to be easily taught in public schools and universities by teachers and professors who did not have knowledge on ASL. (M;, The early history of the Cochlear Implant: A retrospective)