United States Timeline: 1900 to 1920

  • Period: to

    American Timeline: 1900-1920

  • The Wizards of Oz

    The Wizards of Oz
    The story chronicles the adventures of a young girl named Dorthy Gale in the Land od Oz after being swept away from her Kansas farm home in a tornado.
  • Assassination of President McKinley

    Assassination of President McKinley
    Te president of the United States, William McKinley, was shot and fatally wounded on September 6, 1901, inside the Temple of Music on the grounds of the Pan American Exposition in Buffalo, New York. After his death, Vice-President Theodore Roosvelt becomes the 26th Presdient of the United States.
  • The Great Train Robber

    The Great Train Robber
    The Great Train Robbery is a dramization of he famous first-hold up of a moving ttrain in England 1855
  • The Wright Brothers first flight

    The Wright Brothers first flight
    Orville Wright piloted the first powered airplane 20 feet above a wind-swept beach in North Carolina. The flight lasting 12 seconds and coverd 120 feet. Three more flights wew made that day by Orville's brother Wilbur piloting the record flight lasting 59 seconds and coverd a distance of 852 feet.
  • The Jungle

    The Jungle
    Sinclair wote the novel with the intent to protray the lives of immigrants in the United States . The novel depicts in harsh tones, poverty, the absence of social programs, unpleasent living and working conditions, and the hopelesness prevelent among the working class.
  • Roosevelt Panic

    Roosevelt Panic
    The 1907 panic eventually spread through the nation when many state and local banks and businesse entered bankruptcy.
  • San Francisco Earthquake

    San Francisco Earthquake
    The 1907 panic eventually spread through the nathion when many state and local banks and businesses entered bankruptcy.
  • NAACP is founded

    NAACP is founded
    The national Assocation for the advancement of colored people, usually abbrievated as NAAC. African American civil rights organization in the United Statesm Formed in 1909.
  • Howard Taft becomes 27th President of the United States

    Howard Taft becomes 27th President of the United States
    Howard Taft was the only person to have served on boyh of these officies, after office Taft spent his time in academic, and seven for world peace. Taft served in this capacity until shorly before his death in 1909.
  • Triangle Waistshirt Company Fire

    Triangle Waistshirt Company Fire
    Deadliest industrail disaster in history of the city of New York and resulted in life fourth highest loss of life from an industrial accident in history. Jewish and Italian victims, immigrant woman aged 16 to 23, oldest age 49, and youngest was 11.
  • Standard Oil's monopoly is dissolved

    Standard Oil's monopoly is dissolved
    Within a decade in rise in 1870, John D Rockefeller Standar Oil second virtual monopoly over U.S. refineries and pipelines.
  • Sinking of Titantic

    Sinking of Titantic
    RMS Titantic was a British passenger ship
  • World War 1 begins

    World War 1 begins
    World War 1 was an extremely bloody war,with huge losses of life and little ground lost or won. Fought Mostly by soldiresvin trenches, WW1 saw an estimated 10 million military deaths.
  • Wrok finished on the Panama Canal

    Wrok finished on the Panama Canal
    The Panama Canal is an 77 kilometre ship canal in Panama tthat conects the Atlantic Ocen to the Pacifis Ocean. The cancal cuts across the Isthmos of Panma and is a key conduit for international marinetime trade.
  • Sinking of Lusitania

    Sinking of Lusitania
    RMS Lusitania was a British ocean linear, holder of the Blue Riband and briefly the world's biggest ship. She was launched by the Lunard Line in 1907, at a time if fierce competition for the North Alantic Trade.
  • Woodrow Wilson elected for 28th President of the United States

    Woodrow Wilson elected for 28th President of the United States
    Demcatic, electeral vote- 277, 30 states carried popular votes, 9, 126, 868, 49.27%, 28th President of the United States from 1913 to 1921.
  • United States enters WW1

    On April 6,1917, the U.S.joined it's allies. Britian, France, Russia- to fight in WW1. Under the command of Major General John Persing, more than 2 million U. S. soliders fought on battlefieds in France.
  • World War 1 ends with Treaty of Versailles

    World War 1 ends with Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty imposed on Germany by the Allied Powers un 1920 after the end of World War 1 which demanded exorbitant reparations from the Germans.
  • 18th Amendment (Prohibiton)

    18th Amendment (Prohibiton)
    Banned the manufacture, sale or transportation of intoxicating liquors.
  • 19th Amendment ( Women's Suffrage)

    19th Amendment ( Women's Suffrage)
    Gurantees all American woman the right to vote. Acheving this milestone required a lengthy and difficult sturuggle; victory took decades of agitation and protest.