"united states History class timeline 2015"

  • The Declaration of Idependence was signed

    There was a group of men that got together and signed the Decleration.
  • Adoption of the Articles of Confederation

    On this day we adopted our first form of government. However, it did not turn out to be a strong one.
  • The british surrender

    This is when the british surrendered in yorktown, PA
  • Shay's rebellion

    A protest by American farmers against state and local enforcement of tax collections and judgments for debt.
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    Ratification of the U.S. Constitution

    This was the ratification of the U.S. Constitution
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    Constitutional convention

    This is when people got together to discuss the problems of the constitution.
  • Ratification of the bill of rights

    This is when the bill of rights were ratifyed.
  • Patent for the cotton gin is issued

    The cotton gin was a modern machine that cleaned cotton faster than doing it by hand, which lead to a higher demand in slaves.
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    The lewis and clark expedition

    Duirng this time lewis and clark were sent on a journey to explore the land bought in the louissana purchase. During their journey they were joined by Sacagawea, an African american.
  • The first lowell mill is built

    Their first mill is built which is a textile mill. The Merrimack Manufacturing Company was responsible for the opening.
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    Trail of tears

    The trail of tears was the path that the cherokee indians took when Andrew Jackson kicked them out of their home. Along the trail many people died or became very sick.
  • Gold is discovered at sutter's mill

    Small pieces of gold were found in the American river by a man named James Wilson Marshall.
  • Signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    This treaty officially ended the war. In the end the United States grew in size from the treaty.
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    Battle of fort sumter

    This was the war at fort Sumter.
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    The battle of Gettysburg

    This was the battle of Gettysburg.
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    the battle of little bighorn

    This was the battle near the bighorn river.
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    The great Depression

    This was a very sad time in North Amerca.
  • Apollo 11 moon landing

    This is when the apollo 11 landed on the moon.
  • the 9/11

    The day the trading center was crashed into by terrists.
  • My birthday

    This is the day of my birth.
  • Inauguration of Barack Obama

    This is when Barack Obama was inaugurated.