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The Years of the Revolutionary War
The signing of the declaration of independence
On July 4 1776 the 13 American colonies came together and annonced a state of war against the Brittish. In a war to seperate from the Brittish. The "Founding Fathgers " one from each state or a representitive to sign the document and officialy start the Revolutionary War. -
The ratifcation of the Constitution
The ratification started on September 11 1786 and ended on December 15 1791. Every state had a represenitive there ecept for Rhold Island. Every state had to ratify the convention, and did even though North Carolina had to do it twice because the first time they refused to ratify. Each state elected delegates to represent them and vote on weather to ratify of not. -
The Louisiana Purchase
France owned the Louisiana Territory and and shut down the New Orleans port to Americans. Angry westerners wanted to go to war with Spain and France but instead of war, Jefferson offered to buy the New Orleans port. And Napoleon, French leader, offered the whole territory for 3 cent an acre. Jefferson immediately bought the territory from Napoleon. This purchase doubled the size of America and gave the U.S. control of the New Orleans port. (McDougal Littell pg.345,346) -
Lewis and Clark Journey
In the summer of 1803 to 1806 Lewis and Clark were on their expedition. President Jefferson asked Lewis and Clark to see if their was a water way across the entire country, also to make a map, and finally to draw pictures of the new plants and animals they saw on their expidition. Lewis and Clark made it to the pacific ocean and when they made it back to america they had exciting news for what was was of the Mississippi River. Finally they told Jefferson no such waterway exsisted. (McDoagal 348) -
Nat Turner Slave Rebellion
Nat Turner was a abolisionist and lead a slave rebellion in August. Turner and 70 followers killed about 55 white men, women and children. When caught Turner was tried and hanged. Virginia considered ending slavery because of the rebellions, but instead put strict laws that furthe limited the freedom of african Americans, both in free and slave states. (McDougal Littell, pg. 376) -
The Texas Revolution
Austin went to Mexico City with what he wanted to change for Texas and if they wern't met then he would support leaving Mexico. When the Mexican leader learned of this he jailed Austin and the requests weren't met and the war had begun. An out numbered reble army forced the Mexicans back They fought at the Alamo for 12 days with about 500 men. On the 13 day they ran out of ammunition and were captured but 1000 Mexicans laid dead and only 7 Texans. This is the trend of the whole war.(ML 429-431) -
The Alamo
The Texans held the Mexicans off for 13 days. Legend has it that Colonel Travis drew a line on the ground and asked any man willing to stay and fight to step over all except one did. The Texan defense was made up of people like Jim Bowie, and David Crocket, people that would rather die than surrender their position. On the final day columns of Mexican soldiers scaled the wall and over took a connon and blasted open barracaded doors and and overwelmed the defense. -
California Gold Rush
James Marshall found a gold nugget in the Nevada Sierra. This led to one of the greatest migrations ever in 1849. People from all over the world to California. This event changed Califorina forever because foreigners forced out of mineing be taxes opened shops, restraunts, and saloons. All of these new people allowed California to apply for statehood, and was accepted. This gave California economic groth that changed it forever. )Mcdougal Littell 439-433) -
Bleeding Kansas
Bleeding Kansas is when 5000 residents of Missouri came in and voted illeagally, filling congress with proslavery represenitives. Both sides armed themselves. A proslavery mob looted the town of lawrence, it became known as the "Sack of Lawrence". In return John Brown lead 7 men in an attack against 5 proslavery neighbors killing all 5. The killing became known as the potawtomie massacre. A civil war broke out in Kansas so it became known as "Bleeding Kansas".(McDougal Littell, pg. 486-487) -
Harper's Ferry
At Harper's Ferry John Brown, and 18 followers captued the Harper's Ferry arsenal. Then they sent word out to slaves and tried to arm slaves and rebel against slavery. It didn't work no slaves joined them. The Marines came and 2 men escaped, 6 were captured and 10 were killed. John Brown was sentenced to be hanged for murder, and treason. (McDougal Littell, pg. 497) -
The assination of Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln was assinated by a famous actor by the name of John Wilkes Booth. Booth was a confederate sympathiser. Booth was planning to kidnap the presidend but when Lincoln didn't show he went to plan B and planned to murder the president. When he heard Lincoln was going to a play at fords theater he saw his chance. After he murdered the president he planned to go to the south and recive great praise and then head to Mexico. But the south didn't. -
Period: to
the years of world 1
The stock market crash of 1929
The crash is known and represented by "Black Tuesday". It lead to the depresion which lasted until the attack of "Pearl Harbor" and the the economic boost that the war caused. The crash led to construction slowing, car sales down and american ended up with high debts because they didn't have work which snowballed for 11.5 years. -
The first apperance of Superman in action comics
Originaly Super Man was a villian but that was rejected so they made him good and it was still rejected until finally DC comics printed it. And it was a huge hit because many kids saw him as an icon and wanted to be like him. -
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The Years of World War 2
Pearl Harbor
On december 7 1941 Japan attacked pearl Harbor in Hiawaii. The suprise attack sank many of our ships including the best and most known "the Arizonia" and they also killed 2042 peolpe and wounded 1282, their reasoning for the attack was to scare us out of even thinking of even joining the war but instead they propeled us into the war and gave us modivation to fight back. -
The Dropping of the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima
We dropped an atomic bomb nicknamed little boy on hiroshima. The bomb killed 90,000 to 166,000 people in the firs months from gases and the big bang. This attack ocured 3 days before the dropping of Fat Man on Nagasaki which eventualy ended the war. 30% of the victoms were killer by debri falling and 10% by other causes so it was a domino affect. -
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The Years of the Korean War
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the years of the Veitnam war
The inauguration of JFK
JFK was the 35th president elected. JFK beat Richard Nixon in the election and became the youngest president of the U.S.A. But sadly JFK was assionated two years, ten months and two days into his term. His campain was to "get the country moving again" that satisfied many americans. -
The first apereance of spider-man in Action Comics
Lee and Ditko conceived him as an orphan being raised by Aunt May and Uncle Ben. Peter Parker(spider-man) had to keep his secret in high school facing rejection and inaddiquince. He was an icon figure to many. -
March on Washington
The "March on Washington was for jobs and freedom." This is the place where Martin Luther King Jr delivered his famous "I have a Dream speech to 200,000 to 300,000 people.The speech was to stand up against racial discrimination against blackes. The speech further pushed blackes to equallity. -
The First Super Bowl
The first super bowl was beteen the Green Bay Packers and the Kansas City Cheifs. The Packers won 35 to 10 with their quarterback Bart Starr winning the MVP of the super bowl. Each packer collected 15.000 dollars for the win. -
the first inauguration of Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan was the 40th president inagurated. The same day 52 americans that where being held hostage and then released . The hostages were held for 444 days and released probably because of reagar's election. -
The explosion of the challenger space shuttle
The Challenger broke apart 73 seconds into is flight killing all of it crew menbers. It crashed on the Atlantic side of Florida at 11:38 A.M. Many of the shutteles parts were found after an exstensive search. -
My Birthday
On October first 1999 history made, ryan Martin was born. The time 7:31 the place a the nearest hospitle. -
On september 11 2001 four planes were hijacked by terrorist. One went to each of the twin towers, one went to the pentagon and one was going to the white house but the passengers over to the hijackers and crashed the plane. All of the attacks cordinated by jihadist Osoma Bin Laden. -
The first inaguration of Barrack Obama
Barrack Obama was the 44th president elected, his inaguration set a record attendence for any event held in washington. he is the first black president. He selected Joe Biden as his vice president. -
Important Event in my Life
When the Steelers won super bowl 43, against the Cardinals. The Steelers won 27 to 23. Two huge plays that lead the steelers to victory where, the 100 yard interception return by James Harrison, and the amazing toe tap catch by Santonio Holmes.