Period: to
The year of the revolutiionary war
The Signing of the Declaration of Independence
the Declaration of Indepandance was a signed paper that said the 13th colony was no longer apart of the British Empire. They formed a Union and that’s how we became that United States. There were 56 people who signed the Declaration -
Ratification of the United States Constitution
The Ratification of the United States Consitution was all about getting a constitution for the 13 states that were in it. Also bringing all the states together.And the U.S constitution explained that there was no garrentee that the goverment would protect the rights of the peope. -
The Loisiana Purchace
The Loisiana Purchace was about the farmers wanting to have the missisippi river. They wanted to transpot goods down the river and sell them to make money. President Jefferson made the loisiana Purchace. the two main impacts were that we gained the Mississippi River to transport goods down it, and the size of the United States doubled.
(McDougal/Littell 346) -
The Lewis And Clark Journey
Jeferson hired Lewis and Clark to explore the Missouri River so in hopes of finding a water way across the continent. They were to make friends with the Native Americans and recod their new discoveries and make a map of the new land.
(McDougal/Littell 348-349) -
The Donner Party
In the spring of 1846 about 90 imagrants started the move west. Someone told them of a shortcut to take two weeks off their trip thing urned out to be wrong and added more time. The Donor party got stuck in the Sierra Nevada mountains in a snowstorm. They soon ran out of food an dhad no other choice nut turn to canabalism. (Donnor party History.com) -
The Texas Revolution
Texas which was mostly mexicans bordered the Loisiana Purchace. More and more settellers came into Texas to settle this was fine untill the Americans were breaking the laws. The mexicans were not fond of that. This event in history is important becasue it expanded our nation from the Atlantic to the Pacific. McDougal Littell 434-435 -
The War with Mexico
The war with Mexico was thought to expand the territory of the United States. The end of the Mexican war meant the fulfillment of manifest destiney. It meant the expansion of the nation from the Atlancic to the Pacific.
(McDougal Littell 433-437) -
The California Gold Rush
In January 1848 James Marshall discoverd gold. After, word traveled about Marshals discovery everyone from all over was rushing to California which started with the gold rush. Miners soon found gold in other streams and rivers. By 1852 we were at the peak of the Gold Rush. This event is important because ot caused economic growth. (MgDougal Littlell 439-444) -
Figitive Slavery Act
Slave hunters were allowed to capture people that had escaped from slavery. In any territory or state. (McDougal, pages 485) -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Uncle Tom's Cabin was a Story about the cruelty and the immorality of slavery. It Describes how the main character named Eliza escaped with her son from slavery to the Ohio River.(McDougal Littell page: 485) -
The bleeding of Kansas
The bleeding of Kansas was about Proslavery and antislavery and how they fought to see whether or not that kanas was going to be a slave state. the Bleeding was just an insite of the Civil War. (McDougal, page 487) -
Period: to
Cival War
First day of he Battle of Gettysburg
Second day of the Battle of Gettysburg
Third day of th Battle of Gettysburg
The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
John Wilkes Booth assassinated Abraham Lincoln. He was at a play at Ford's threater in Washington D.C. John's original plan was to kidnap Lincoln and take him to Richmond but Lincoln didn't Appear to be there. -
Period: to
World war I
The Stock Market Crash of 1929
In Wall Street in New York billions of dollars were lost. Stock prices began to drop. The Stock Market Crash lead to the Great Depression. -
Period: to
world war II
The First Appearance of Superman in Action Comics
This date is when Superman came to action commics and was very popular. Ot is now worth over 2 million dolars. -
Japan's Attack on Pearl Harbor
Japanese launced an air attack on the naval base in Hawii. After 2 hours of bombing many were killed and many ships were destroyed. Japanese wanted to keep expansion of Asia, but we had restrictive embargo on Japan. -
Period: to
korean war
Period: to
vietnam war
The Inauguration of John F. Kennedy
John's campaign, promised to “get the country moving again,” Everyone that heard him felt a sense of hope and optisim. -
The First Appearance of Spider-Man in Comics
Spider-Man is a fictional character from a comic book. It's about a teenager that is dealing with rejection and loneliness. He is a teenager when everyone is looking and when no one is looking he is Spider-Man. -
The March on Washington
On this day the famous "I have a Dream" speech was given by a Man named Martin Luther King Jr. The speech was about how
Martin wanted the African Americans to have peace with the
white and for them all to get along. The speech took place in Washington D.C. -
The First Super Bowl between the Green Bay Packers and the Kansas City Chiefs
The first super bowl was play by the Greenbay Packers and the Kansas City Cheifs. The Greenbay Packers won 35 to 10. It took place in the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. -
The First Inauguration of Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan was the 40th president. His inauguration was the first to be held on the West Front of the United States Capitol Building. -
The Explosion of the Challenger Space Shuttle
The first Space Shuttle Disaster was Challenger which was lost during an explosion as it took off from Cape Canaveral, killing all seven people on board. NASA suspended shuttle flights for two years. -
My Birthday
September 11 (9/11)
The Twin Towers fell on September 11 2001. Terrorist took over four planes and flew them right into the Twin Towers. On there is a memorial on Time square -
When my grandfather pasted away
My gradfather past away on the date of 9/11. It was a very sad moment in my life. We somehow got over his death but he is still in my heart and mind.