
United States History Class Timeline 2013-2014

  • revolutionary war.

    revolutionary war.
    The revolutionary war was because teh US declared freedom from britian or england. We declared are independance and earned our freedom along with the help of secretly supplied spain and france. This war lasted from 1775 to 1783
  • The signing of the declaration or independance.

    The signing of the declaration or independance.
    This is the day that the US declared independance from britian. We now know it as the fourth of july.It is usually acompanied by thoughts of fireworks. This was the day we became an independant and self sustaining country.
  • Ratification of the constitution

    Ratification of the constitution
    On this momentous day the founding fathers signed the constitution. This replaced the Articles of Confederation as our unchangeable laws. This created a solid building block to create our government on.
  • The louisiana Purchase

    The louisiana Purchase
    In 1803 Jefferson tried to buy new orleans but the french made an offer for the whole louisiana territory for only 5 million more than they offered for new orleans. (Mcdougal Littell, 346)
  • The Lewis and Clark Journey

    The Lewis and Clark Journey
    In 1804 President Jefferson had arranged for Meriweather Lewis to lead an expedition up the Missouri River in hopes of finding a waterway across the continent. They ended up finding the Columbia River that led to the ocean. They came back to St. Louis in 1806. ( Mcdougal/ Littell pg. 348-349)
  • The Texas Revolution

    The Texas Revolution
    The Texas Revolution started in 1833 because mexico had allowed americans to settle on that land but Mexico was taxing them so they declared Texas as a free country. The Mexicans didnt like this so they caused the war of the Alamo when men were slaughtered viciosly by the army. In december of 1836 the war was over with the Texas flag hanging high. (Mcdougal/ Littell, pg. 429-431)
  • The Battle of the Alamo

    The Battle of the Alamo
    In March 1836 Texas Army volenteers went to a fort called The Alamo where they would try and fight off the Mexican army. This ended up being a blood bath that lasted for 13 days and ended with only 7 Texas men alive. This was the first battle for the freedom of Texas. (McDougal, Littell pg. 429-430)
  • fugitive slave act

    fugitive slave act
    The fugitive slave act came to place when the compromise of 1850 happened. The compromise stated that California would be admitted as a free state and slavery would be abolished in the capital. In return the fugitive slave act was passed which meant that any slave that made it to the north could be taken back to their owner. (Mcdougal, Littel pg. 483)
  • bleeding kansas

    bleeding kansas
    Bleeding Kansas was a series of violent political confrontations involving anti-slavery Free-Staters and pro-slavery slave staters.
    (Mcdougal, Littel pg.487)
  • harpers ferry

    harpers ferry
    Harpers ferry is historic for john browns raid on the armory near that town.John had wanted to prevoke a slave up rising by raiding the armory and providing slaves with guns. (Mcdougal, Littel pg. 497)
  • The Assasination of Abraham Lincoln

    The Assasination of Abraham Lincoln
    Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president and fought for black rights during the civil war. His term was ended when he was shot during a play at Ford's theatre by John Wilkes Booth.
  • WWl

    World War 1 started in 1914 with the two groups. The allies and the central powers. The US went on the side of the allies. This war caused the league of nations to be created.
  • Stock market crash of 1929

    Stock market crash of 1929
    The stock markets crashed late october 1929. On black tuesday the stock market dropped completly bankrupting everyday people that had savings in the stock market.
  • the first appearence of superman

    the first appearence of superman
    Superman appeared first in June 1938 in action comics #1. This was important because it started the franchise that is worth 1.5 million today.
  • WW ll

    WW ll
    World War 2 was when America really stepped up and came to power. The war was all about trying to stop Adolf Hitler and his german forces from taking over the world. this war lasted from 1939 to 1945.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    On this sad day the Japanese attacked the U.S. Pacific fleet at pearl harbor, Hawaii. This made the U.S. enter WW2. The targeted aircraft carriers werent at the harbor the day of the attack.
  • Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima

    Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima
    This Atomic Bomb market the beginning of a new age of chemical and nuclear warfare as in creating weapons of mass destruction. Lucky we made ours first because if the germans had made theirs fist they would have destroyed the earth.
  • The California Gold Rush

    The California Gold Rush
    In 1949 a great migration started that would change this nation forever. It all started when a carpender found gold in a river and to everyones excitment they all went to califonia to mine for gold. This also allowed california to become a state. (McDougal, Littell, pg439-440)
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    The Korean war was from june 1950 to july 1953. This war was between north and south korea. The united nations supported south korea in their fight against the stronger north korea.
  • The years of the vietnam war.

    The years of the vietnam war.
    The vietnam war was between north vietnam supported by china and south vietnam supported by the US. This war lasted from 1955 to 1975.
  • John F.Kennedy Inaugeration

    John F.Kennedy Inaugeration
    John other known as JFK was the 35th president of the USA. He was the youngest president ever. Sadly he was assasinated after 2 years and 2 months. He was a former navy officer and ssaved his crew.
  • first appearence of superman.

    first appearence of superman.
    Spider Man first appeared in amazing fantasy #15. He broke the ice as the first teenage super hero and has been a great sybol of responsability.
  • march on washington

    march on washington
    Martin luther king Jr. gave his I have a dream speech. 250000 people gathered to peacefully marched for equal rights. It was the largest march ever recorded.
  • The first superbowl

    The first superbowl
    The first superbowl was held because at that time there were two different football leagues. The AFL and the NFL were the leagues names. They decided to put their best team vs. the other best team in what would later be named the superbowl.
  • The inaguration of ronald regan.

    The inaguration of ronald regan.
    On january 20th Ronald Regan became the 40th president. This is a ceramony that happens every 4 years constitutionaly. The president must give a speech on the ceramony.
  • Explosion of the Challenger space shuttle.

    Explosion of the Challenger space shuttle.
    In 1986 the space shuttle Challenger exploded after liftoff. This was because the seal on one of the boosters failed and cought on fire. The shuttle crashed into the atlantic killing all the crew.
  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born. My older brother was so happy. My life began.
  • 9/11

    On this historic day three planes crashed into the world trade center and the pentagon. This event was the doings of the international terrorist group of al queda. It was osama bin laden plan.
  • The day my sister was born.

    The day my sister was born.
    My sister Brielle was born. My life was forever changed. She is in 6th grade right now.
  • The first inaugeration of Barack Obama

    The first inaugeration of Barack Obama
    In 2009 Barack Obama became the first black president and introduced the obamacare plan which is gov. health care for everyone.