United States 1930s-1960s

  • Empire State Building opens in New York and Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected as President

    Empire State Building opens in New York
    Ford introduces Model B, first low priced car to have a V-8 engine
    Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected as President
  • New Deal proposed by Roosevelt emphasizing: relief, recovery, and reform

  • Glass-Steagall Act was the separation of commercial and investment banking; Indian Reorganization Act; Share the Wealth society founded by Huey Long

  • Neutrality Acts, Hindenburg disaster

  • World War II begins

  • Lend-Lease program; Attack on Pearl Harbor

  • Executive Order 9066: Japanese American Internment

  • D-Day; President D. Roosevelt elected for 4th term

  • Yalta Conference

  • End of World War II in Europe; Atomic bomb drops on Japan, end of World War II in Asia; United Nations established

  • Nuremberg Trials; Iron Curtain Speech by Winston Churchill

  • Marshall Plan, Truman Doctrine

  • Period: to

    Cold War

  • Period: to

    Korean War

  • Period: to

    Cold War

  • Cuban Missle Crisis