Steam engine
an engine that uses the expansion or rapid condensation of steam to generate power. -
Spinning Jenny
a machine for spinning with more than one spindle at a time, patented by James Hargreaves. -
Period: to
American Revolution
won by the 13 American colonies to achieve independence from Great Britain. -
Start American Revolution
a period of great social that took places during which colonists in the Thirteen American Colonies rejected the British monarchy. -
Indepence of American Rev
The United States and Great Britain sign the Treaty of Paris officially ending the war and American is free now. -
What caused the Haitian Rev
The French Revolution is of the reason because man people were dissatisfied with the France, which caused many alliances with enemies. -
Period: to
French Revolution
a period of far-reaching social and political upheaval in France and was carried by Napoleon -
French Rev storm Bastille
France was moving quickly toward revolution. The Bastille, stormed by an armed of Parisians of the French Revolution, was a symbol of the ruling monarychy. -
a group of run-away slaves that lived in the mountains of Saint-Domingue. They approached thier life style like African customs. -
Slaves in Haiti
REbellion of slaves in Haiti seeking freedom -
Slave Force continue to grow
Period: to
Haitian Revolution
Haiti is the only country where slave freedom was taken by force, and marks the only successful slave revolt in modern times. http://15minutehistory.org/2013/02/06/episode-11-the-haitian-revolution/ -
Influences Haitian Slaves
Reign of Terror
a period of mass executions by the Paris, based on Jacobins who secured the power through fear against the province after the French Rev. -
Cotton gin
a machine designed to remove cotton from its seeds. -
Napolen tries to restore slavery in Haiti
France tries to take over Saint Domingue again.
Napoleon invaded S,D
He invaded Saint Domingue after several months later Toussaint agreed to stop fighting -
He establishes a new constitution -
Toussaint and his army
He sent his army to the eastern of the island while he assembled a whole island and made himself as a governer. Napoleon sent a troop also to Saint'Domingue so Toussaint and his army fought the french troops but they were defeated. -
Independence of Haiti
Jean Jacques Dessalines because Jacques I Emperor and in the same year they got their name, Haiti. -
New Orleans
Slaves who were released from Saint Domingue was sent to New Orleans -
SanMartin at Chile
He led the liberation -
San Martin boarded a British ship
at Cadiz with the total intention of returning to Argentina -
Simon Bolivar
he started a compaing to gain control of Venezuela from the Spanish. -
Nueva Granada
Independence of former royalty of Nueva Granada with Simon Bolivar victory at the Battle of Boyara -
SanMartin at Argentina
Spanish troops in Chile
He deated the spanish troops in Chile but he refused to government of Chile -
Simon Bolivar founds
Gran Colombia, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, and Venezuela -
Protector of Peru
San Martin was named appointed as a protector -
San Martin and his troops entered Lima, and proclaimed the independence of Peru -
Simon Bolivar
Independence of Colombia from Spanish rule -
France grants Haiti independence
Bolivian Independence was finally proclaimed
Haiti is recognized by the U.S
58 years after it's 1804 independece from France -
the most influential nineteenth-century inventions. -
The Wright brothers built and flew the first airplane in 1903. The first flight was important at this time, the airplane did not catch on like the automobile.