Hariet Beecher Stowe publishes Uncle Tom's Cabin
Republican Party Forms
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Buchanan Wis Election
Running mates Fremont and Fillmore -
Brown's Pottawatomie Massacre
Period: to
Civil War i Bleeding Kansas
Dred Scott Case
Lecompton Constitution Rejected
Panic of 1857
Tariff of 1857
The Impending Crisis of the South Published
Written by Hinton R. Helper -
Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Brown raids Harpers Ferry
Lincoln wins precidency in four way race
South Carolina Secedes from union
Crittenden Compromise fails
Confederate States of American Form
Morrill tariff passed
Trent Affair
Lincoln suspends writ of Habeas Corpus
First Battle of Bull run
Lincoln takes office
Fort Sumter fired on
Homestead act
Souuth enacts conscription
Grant takes fort Henry and Fort Donelson
Battle of Shiloh
McClellan's Peninsula Campain
Second Battle of Bull Run
Battle Antietam
Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation
Battle of Fredericksburg
Northern army seizes New Orleans
Period: to
Alabama Raids Northern Shipping
Alabama was a southern warship -
Union enacts consription
National Banking system established
Final Emancipation Proclamation
Battle of Gettysberg
Fall of Vicksburg
Fall of Port Hudson
Alabama sunken
Battle of Cold Harbor
Lincoln re-elected president
Defated McClellan -
Hampton roads conference
Lee surrenders to Grant at Appomattox
Thirteenth Amendment ratified
Lincoln assassinated