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Newton Scott: Unsung Civil War Heroes

  • Born

    Newton Scott was born in Putman County Indiana. He was birthed by Hullum and Mary A. Scott. The highlighted region is Putman County in Indiana where he was born.
  • Period: to

    Newton Scott Lifespan

  • Enlisted Into the Union Army

    Enlisted Into the Union Army
    The first few paragraphs of the link I have provided explains what kind of the attitude the army had and how many were enlisting at the time.
    Newton Scott enlisted into the Union Army in Albia, Iowa. He enlisted shortly after Lincoln called for soldiers. Newton Scott heard the calling and wanted to fight for Abraham Lincoln and the Union Army.

    This a recruiting poster. These were everywhere.
  • Joins The Army

    Joins The Army
    On September 13, 1862 Newton Scott was enterend into the Union Army. He was accepted into the Company A of the 36th Iowa Volunteers.
    This is the flag of the 36th Iowa Volunteers. It is in the Iowa Stat Historical Meusem.
  • Camp Lincolc Keokuk, Iowa

    Camp Lincolc Keokuk, Iowa
    This is the letter he wrote to his wife that explains his at the base and what the future plans are for his regiment. </a>
    -Information: Here at Camp Lincoln he worked as a gaurd for the base for a week. The soldiers rotated gaurd, but this was Newton Scott's first job as a soldier.
    -Picture: This is a image of Camp Lincoln.
  • Camp Lincoln Keokuk, Iowa

    Camp Lincoln Keokuk, Iowa
    The link on this doesn't work but here is the URL:
    -This explains the Camp and what he does at the camp.
  • First Stop-St Louis Missouri

    First Stop-St Louis Missouri
    -Information:Newton Scott's company marched from their camp in Keokuk, Iowa to St. Louis, Missouri. This was the first stop to the Yazoo City. Their company was the first to board the boats to go through the Yazoo Pass.
    -Image: This is an image of Saint Louis when Newton Scott's company arrived. They got on the boats in the background and waited for the other companies before they could begin their voyage. They were on a part of the Vicksburg Campaign.
  • Period: to

    Vicksburg Campaign

    This campaign was a voyage through the Mississippi River and into Vicksburg, but they had a lot of confrontations
  • Clash At Fort Pemberton

    Clash At Fort Pemberton
    This describes the Vicksburg campaign and it's purpose. This link talks about the battle. -Information: As the Union Army proceeded through the Yazoo Pass the Confederate Army advanced up through the pas to prevent the Union to getting into the Southern territory. The battle lasted four days. Niether army won because both retreated. The Union Army lost few soldiers and some were injured.
    -Picture: This shows the clash at Fort Pemberton.
  • Back At Camp

    Back At Camp
    Information: After the Clash At Fort Pemberton both armies retreated,but most of the armies attacked back and seixed some of the Southern Territory. His army retreated to Helena Arkansas. The Clash ended on March 14, but not until April 14 all regiments had finally gotten back to their camps.
    -Image: This image shows the Clash of Fort Pemberton and some armies retreating to their boats.
  • Battle of Port Gibson

    Battle of Port Gibson
    -Link: This is a link to mre in depth information on the Battle of Port Gibson. -Information: The Battle of Port Gibson resulted in leaving Vicksburg wide open. The Cofederate Army was no match for the Union and were defeated. The Rebels had to retreat, but had set up new defense positions during the day.
    -Image: This shows the beginning of the Battle of Port Gibson.
  • Battle of Raymond

    Battle of Raymond
    -Link:This link explains the Battle of Raymond in more depth information.
    -Iformation: As the Union was marching down South the Rebels had set up atack once they marched into Raymond. when the Union inched closer the Rbels opened fire. Some Union troops died, but the Union had more forces coming and Confedarate Army couldn't hold back any longer.
  • Battle of Champion Hill

    Battle of Champion Hill
    This link explains the battle and the generals who fought in the battel. -Video: This video explains the Union Army's strategy and the significance of the Battle of Chamion Hill.
    -Information: The Battle of Chamion Hill helped the Union capture the crossroads, which helpd them control this part of the Southern territory. The Union marched up the hill and the battle advanced on. The Union won the battle and the crossroads.
  • Promoted To Eighth Corporal

    Promoted To Eighth Corporal
    This link explains the many jobs and ranks of the army.
    He was promoted to eighthcorporal. The job of an eight corporal is to manage and command smaller army groups .
  • Battle of Helena

    Battle of Helena
    This link describes the Battle of Helena and the significance of it. -Inormation: Newton Scott participated in the Battle of Vicksburg, but was transferred in the beginning to Helena, Arkansas. He stayed here until the Confederat Forces arrived. The capture of Helena would mean the Union could attack easily on Little Rock. The Union won.
  • Finally Capture Vicksburg

    Finally Capture Vicksburg
    This video explains the overall campaign and each battle. -Link:This link talks the overall battles and the capture of Vicksburg.
    -Information: The Union proceeded to Vicksburg and the ket victories at Champion Hill, Fort Pemberton, and Port Gibson helped the Union get Vicksburg. This lasted forty-seven days, but the Union controlled Vicksburg and even more land in the southern territory.
  • Promoted To Seventh Corporal

    Promoted To Seventh Corporal
    He was promoted to Seventh Corporal. The link on of the Eighth Corporal event shows the job of a Seventh Corporal. The Seventh Corporal's job is to manage smaller units in the army, but has more power than the Eighth Corporal.
  • Capture of Little Rock, Arkansas

    Capture of Little Rock, Arkansas
    This video explans the Civil War in Arkansas. The part two is in the upper right hand corner.This link expalins the Little Rock Camapign and it's significance. Information: The capture of Little Rock was very significant for the Union. It helped them captrue Arkansas and put a force of autority (governer) that suports Lincoln's ways.
  • Promoted to Fifth Corporal

    Promoted to Fifth Corporal
    He was promoted to Fifth Corporal. The job of the Fifth Corporal is to manage small army units, but with more power than the Corporals below him.
  • Promoted To Fourth Corporal

    Promoted To Fourth Corporal
    He was promoted to Fourth Corporal. The job of Fourth Corporal is to control smaller army units, but he has more power and commands the corporals below him.
  • Heads To Devals Bluffs

    Heads To Devals Bluffs
    This link describes the bluff and it's importance.Devalls Bluff was in the hands of the Union after the fall of Little Rock. The bluff was used to transport Union soldiers, and was heavily gaurded by the Union. A lot of the Union soldiers were transported through this waterway because the Arkansas River was too shallow.
  • War Over!

    War Over!
    This link overveiws the Civil War. The war ends on April 9, 1865. General Lee surrenders and the Union wins the war. Abraham Lincoln has reunited the nation.
  • First Thought of Coming Home

    First Thought of Coming Home
    This link touches on the whole Civil War.This link shows the letter he wrote to his wife that states the thinks the war is almost over.He writes in his letter that the Confederate Army has no reason to continue the war. The war will be over shortly he states, but he is still at the camp in St. Charles, Arkansas. He says that most Rebels come and surrender and take the oath.
  • Promoted To Third Corporal

    Promoted To Third Corporal
    This link list all the ranks of the army and their symbols. -Information: He was promoted to Third Corporal. The job of the Third Corporal is to manage the smaller Army Units, but he has more power and command over the lower corporal ranks. The link on the previous Eiht Corporal explains the job in more depth.
  • Discharged Out of the Military

    Discharged Out of the Military
    This link shows an honorable discharge ceremony. This is people in the Navy, but the ceremonies were the same.This link describes types of military discharges. ----Information: Newton Scott was discharged from the Union Army. He is released on an Honorable Discharge. He exceeded expectations and had just been promoted to Third Corporal.
  • Finally Gets Home

    Finally Gets Home
    This link is the song "When Johnny Comes Marching Home".
    Newton Scott had finally got home. Newton Scott is just one o the foot soldiers in the Civil War. Newton Scott's accomlishments, and his quick movemeny up the military ranks is ver impressive. It helps prove that without foot soldeirs the Union might not of won. Every man in the Union contributed to the victory.
  • Dead At 83

    Dead At 83
    Here is Newton Scott's obituary.Newton Scott died at age 83 years, 10 months, and 28 days.