Steam Engine Invented
The steam engine was invented by James Watt. some significanes of the Steam engine was the steam engine was central to the industrial revolution. It aslo created other transportation. -
Cotton Gin Improved
The Cotton Gin was improved by Eli Whitney. He didnt make money off it. It was invented separate cotton fibers from its seeds. The Cotton Gin was resulting in greater availability and cheaper cloth. However, the invention also had the by-product of increasing the number of slaves. -
Steam Boat invented
Robert Fulton built and designed the first steamboat used for transportation and also to export goods. -
Period: to
Abolititionist Movement
The goal of the abolitionist movement was the immediate emancipation of all slaves and the end of racial discrimination and segregation. The started Second Great Awakening because of the situation. It prompted many people to advocate for emancipation on religious grounds. Because of a disagreement between North and South the Civil War started. -
Steel Plow invented
The steel plow was invented by John Deere. The benifits of it was farming was easier and cheaper goods.This machine benifited farmers but not slaves. -
Period: to
Women Sufferage
Women wanted the same rights that men had. For example, divorce rights, right to gain property and etc. During the Senecca Falls Convention, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott spearheaded the first women's rights convention in American history. Men and women met to protest the rights that women had. Finally, women had the rights that men had. Tje !9th amenedment women were allowed to vote. -
Women Sufferage Ended
Women had the rights that men had. Tje !9th amenedment women were allowed to vote.