Unit 4 Project: Development Timeline

  • Period: to


    During infancy, cognitive development is in the sensorimotor stage, where infants experience the world through senses and actions. Moral development is in the preconventional stage 1, where kids avoid punishment. Infants grow physically at a rapid rate, and their fine motor skills are starting to develop
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    Early Childhood

    In early childhood, cognitive development is in the preoperational stage, where the child starts to use language and images to represent things and starts to think intuitively. Moral development in in preconventional stage 2, where children are self-interested and seek rewards. In the brain, neural pathways continue to develop and the body continues to grow.
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    Middle Childhood

    In middle childhood, cognitive development is in the concrete operational stage, where children start to think logically about concrete tasks and concepts. Moral development is in the conventional stage 3, where they seek social approval. Neural pathways are still developing and the body keeps growing.
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    In adolescence, cognitive development is in the formal operational stage, where teens use abstract logic and are capable of mature moral reasoning. Moral development is in the conventional stage 4, where teens focus on obeying authority and following rules. During adolescence, teens experience puberty and the development of primary and secondary sex characteristics.
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    Emerging Adulthood

    In emerging adulthood, cognitive development is still in the formal operational stage, where it will stay for the rest of the adult's life. Moral development is in the postconventional stage 5, where adults focus on the balance of social order. Growth is mostly complete at this stage, and the body is in its peak physical ability.
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    In adulthood, cognitive development is still in the formal operational stage, where it will stay for the rest of development. Moral development is in the postconventional stage 6, which focuses on internal moral principles. In this stage, there is gradual physical decline, including skin stretching and hair thinning and greying.
  • Period: to

    Late Adulthood

    In late adulthood, cognitive development remains in the formal operational stage. Moral development is still in the postconventional stage 6. In late adulthood, senses become duller and the brain may no longer function at optimal levels.