Aquisition of Hawaii
The queen overthrown in 1893 and it became a territory and the governor was Sanford Dole. His cousin and him sold fruits the the settlers workded to make. -
The Sinking of the USS Maine
The USS Maine was a battle ship that was stationed near cuba and it was blown up of feb15,1898, this was blamed on the spanish and lead the spanish-american war, the cause of the explesion was never foun out. -
Spanish-American War
The Spanish-American war was a war between the U.S and Spain that lasted only a couple of months. It ened when Thedore Roosevelt leead his Rough Riders through San Juan hill in Cuba and deafted the Spainsh forces. -
Opne Door Policy
Secretary of State John Hay made notes that would say that trading with China should be open to every contry. -
Acquisition of the Philippines
Was handed over because if th treaty of france signed December 10,1899.We won the country becasue we beat spain in the Spanish-American war -
Acquisition of Guam
Was given to the U.S becuase the U.S beat spain in the spain-american war,we got it in the treaty of paris. this gave us a territory in the pacfic ocean. -
Roosevelt Corollary
It was an addition to the monroe doctrine said by Thedore Roosevelt during his state of the Union adress.The U.S would not allow the european countries ti collect debts instead the U.S would, this created friction between the U.S and latin america countires. -
Dollar diplomacy
Was made by william Howard Taft and it made banks want to rade with caribbean countries and they would send troops to tale the money back. -
Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
The Archduke Franz Ferdinand was carried out by a Serb nationalist. this ignited World War I. -
Start of WWI
This was a diffrent type of war beacuse of advanced technology and the new type of warfre called trench warfare. -
Panama canal
The Panaam canal is athe canal that coonects the Alantic ocean with the Pacfic ocean. Made the U.S aid in a revoultion to gain the land.The people involved were Thedore Roosevlet and William Howard Taft. -
German Proclamation
Germany has aid that no trading would be allowed with Great Britain and decied to sink any boats near the isles with their U-boats. -
Sinking of the Lusitania
The RMS Lusitania was a britsh luxery boat that was sunk by the Germaans on its wasy to Great Britain. This angered the U.S beacsue 128 amercian innocent citizens were killed. -
Sussex Pledge
This was German promise that they would give neutral ships a warning when entering the warzone. -
Zimmerman Telegram
The telegram was sent to Mexicoo promising that if Mexico joined Gemany's side that it would let them get back land lost in the Mexican-American war.The telegram was caught by british intellgence before it reached Mexico and made the U.S people mad. -
U.S enters WWI
FAter having neough people outrage at what Germany had been doing the U.S public decide that war is a the right thing to doa nd so comgress signs we go to war. -
Slective Service Act
This was an act passed by the federal government that would require all men between the ages of 21 and 31 to register for military service. -
Espionage Act
If you were to give information that could indanger the government,country, or th epeople you would be ounished by the law -
Wilson's 14 points
In a speech that presdentant woodrow Wilson made he gave 14 points that would be the basis for peace program. -
Meuse-Argonne Offensive
This was the first abttle that the U.S lead in WW I wich lead to an amristance. -
End of WWI (treaty of versailles)
THis was the peace treaty that ended WWI and it made Germany take blame for everytyhing and broke up Austra-Hunagary .