Unit 3 Timeline Project

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    Unit 3 Timeline Project

  • The death of Archduke Franz

    The death of Archduke Franz
    Besides his pregnant wife Sophie, the Archduke Franz Ferdinand was murdered while traveling to the clinic in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. When the Black Hand, a brutal group motivated by terror, realized the Archduke posed a threat to Serbia, they planned and attack. Their succes in killing him was accompanied by two more deaths. His wife and his soon-to-be-born child from earlier.
  • Austria-Hungary declares war

    Austria-Hungary declares war
    Austria-Hungary was left with only one option after learning the circumstances surrounding the killing of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. They declared war on Serbia; In an attempt to punish and seize control of what has been taken, World War 1 is about to begin. It was requested that the black hand murder him, but it also killed his husband in the process. Even though they served time in prison as a punishment for their mistakes, the effects still remain.
  • Austria-Hungary takes over Russia

    Austria-Hungary takes over Russia
    Death Fair's beginnings are causing an increase in problems. More conflicts and wars followed Austria-Hungary's maintained Serbian involvement. Germany had an impact on Austria-Hungary's defense and preparation againsta Russia. However, Russia was not by itself. The fact that France was included added even more integrity to the package. There was no returning.
  • The first Battle of Ypres

    The first Battle of Ypres
    The battle resulted in a great deal of destruction. After being included, harm gas became a very popular strategy and instrument to use in the field. France suffered about 50,000 casualties, while Germany suffered almost 130,000. Germany had partners and gorgeous, fantastic equipment and tools, but they didn't end up carrying out their task very successfully.
  • Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary

    Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary
    Italy declared war and resigned from the Triple Union not too long ago. A front that was not in business was created along Italy's border. (The Italian front) Italy fought Austria-Hungary and suffered heavy deaths, but never gave up. From that point on, Austria-Hungary was in fact referred to as the united powers. Austria-Hungary's safety was ensured by Germany's admission, considering Italy's precrious situation.
  • Gallipoli Campaign

    Gallipoli Campaign
    Partner strengths were effectively utilized when figuring up a plan to go over the Hassock Realm. Nevertheless, things didn't exactly go as planned for the campaign. Combined forces ultimately suffered almost 200,000 casualties, while the nation suffered about 170,000. The goal was to prevent the Footrest realm from being involved in the conflict, but the outcome was predictably disappointing and left many feeling disappointed.
  • Sinking of RMS Lusitania

    Sinking of RMS Lusitania
    More over half of the people on board at the time of the RMS Lusitania's sinking were dead. There were approximately 2,000 people on board total, but an estimated 1,000 of them passed away. It sank quite quickly because of complex circumstances involving Germany. It wasn't intentional, but many lives were lost, and that couldn't be ignored.
  • Italy Proclaims War on Austria-Hungary

    Italy Proclaims War on Austria-Hungary
    Italy declared war and withdrew from the Triple Union not too long ago. A front that was not in operation was created along Italy's border. (The Itaian front) Italy fought Austria-Hungary and suffered heavy fatalities, but it never gave up. from thst point on, Austria-Hungary was in fact referred to as the close united powers. Austria-Hungary's safety was ensured by Germany's admission, diregarding Italy's vulnerable situation.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    The battle of Verdun was one of the darkest occurrences during both the development, and ending of WW. It was extremely bloody along with many lives being lost. As France had the upper hand and ensured success, Germany was just in a really bad position considering the amount of casualties they suffered as well.
  • Battle of Jutland

    Battle of Jutland
    The Jutland battle helped establish local laws during the war, guaranteeing that people weren't included in activities they "shouldn't" be part in in the first place. Germany declared victory based on the extent of the British deaths and destruction. However, Germany was not considered as important at the time, and their demand to have some further control over the ocean was denied.
  • Battle of Somme

    Battle of Somme
    Germany was destroyed by the United Powers with tarnished trust. Despite this, they suffered 200,000 casualties while German soldiers suffered 500,000. Even while it's not as bad as expected, it's still regrettable. Because of who was involved and how dark it got, the Battle of the Somme has had one of the biggest effects on World War I.
  • US declares war on Germany

    US declares war on Germany
    The US has decided to push for diversity in light of previous events, such as Germany. Germany's invasion on Belgium, the Lusitania, etc. Many people lost their lives in the strike that preceded the war, as did the opportunity to join forces with other organizations. Despite the fact that Germany has allies. Trying to form it all and pass it on after all that was hard.
  • Russia signs the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany

    Russia signs the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany
    Germany and Russia each had unique explanations for signing the treaty. For example, the power of nearby nations, the fact that the war isn't improving things, etc. It was very hard to just give up on World War I after it started. Additionally, even if you personally DID take that action, no one would have been present to encourage you at the time of your decision.
  • Battle of Cantigny

    Battle of Cantigny
    Although, the conflict didn't last very long, it seems important given how far it went in World War 1. There were about 400 casualties from about 10 German invasions. Not oly were gas attacks becoming normal, but talking about strikes was also becoming a big problem. Regardless, suddenly peace treaties were being signed. Many fairs saw no cener in it any longer; for them, it was just massive devastation.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    After the United Powers and Germany agreed to end the conflict. They made the decision to go formal. Germany was forced to bear a heavy weight, and there was nothign more to be done. Not only did the Versalles settelment raise living stanards, but it also altered Eroupe as a whole. Approximately 9 modern countries were involved, and it was finally declared that everything, including World War 1, could end.