Unit 2: Civil Rights in America

  • 13th Amendment

    After the civil war ended and the union won the congress passed a law called the 13th amendment and it abolished slavery in the United States.
  • 14th Amendment

    It granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the United States. Which also included former slaves that had been recently freed.
  • Lynching

    Lynchings were when they would hang people, mainly black people. They would be hanged for breaking any law or even if they were blamed for something they didnt do. they were not given a chance to be proven innocent or guilty
  • Sharecropping/Tenant Farming

    Afetr the civil war ended and the union won black people werent slaves anymore. but they needed jobs so white farmers gave them part of their land to work on and they got paid very little money and part of their crops
  • 15th Amendment

    It granted African American men, but not women, the right to vote by declaring that the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied. But the 15th Amendment would not be fully put into use for like 100 years.
  • Plessy v Ferguson

    Supreme court case said that violated the 14th amendment ; jim crow laws were set up because of this. This case played a major roll in desegregation.
  • Thurgood Marshall

    He was a lawyer, he fought the brown v Board case, and he was a assosiate justice of supreme court. he also supported desegregation in america.
  • Orville Faubus

    Govner of Arkansas who supported segregation. when president eisenhower desegregated the schools he order national guard of arkansas to keep African american students out
  • Rosa Parks

    She was a civil rights activist for NAACP who didnt give up her seat for a white person. she did this after she heard about another black teenager did this
  • Hector P Garcia

    Founder of GI Forum. and he was a civil rights activist who fought for desegregation. he also helped in the delgado v bastrop isd case
  • Lester Maddox

    Govner of Georgia who supported segregation. he ran for govner with no experience and still won. and he was also a restaurant owner and refused to sell to blacks
  • George Wallace

    He was thw govner of Alabama. He ran for president 4 times and lost all 4 times. he supported segregation. and he said "i say segregation today, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever"
  • 19th Amendment

    This amendment prohibits any United States citizen from being denied the right to vote on the basis of sex. Meaning that women can now vote.
  • Betty Friedan

    She was a writer, and women rights activist. She was a leader in the Women rights movement and she was also president of the National Organization for Women.
  • Cesar Chavez

    He was a civil rights activist who fought for labor laws. He also supported desegregation. and he was a mexican-american
  • Martin Luther King Jr

    He was an activist for the civil rights movement and he gave the "I Have A Dream" Speech in March of Washington. He was a non-violent protestor
  • 20th Amendment

    It sets the 4 year date for the president, and other dates for other officals. It also covers who the president will be in case the president dies.
  • Title IX

    law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of their sex
  • Civil Disobedience

    Act of not following certain laws that you dont like. And protesting the government to get rid of them. An example would be civil rights movement.
  • Nonviolent Protest

    Act of fighting the law without the use of violence. Sit ins, Marches, and boycotts are all examples Rosa Parks, Martin luther king jr and people like this are examples
  • Black Codes

    The Southern establishment took charge by passing discriminatory laws known as the black codes. Gives whites almost unlimited power against the blacks
  • Jim Crow Laws

    Jim crow laws were laws that were put up by the states after desegregation. these laws were unofficial laws so technically they were not breaking the laws.
  • Brown v Board

    Denied 8 yr old girl, Linda Brown, Rights to an all white school near her house. School wanted to send her to a school to far away from her. This declared segregation in schools was unconstitutional and ended it.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycotts

    African American people did not ride the buses for a full year until the desegregation of buses happened. This caused the bus lines to drop in the amount of money they were making and some werent even used anymore
  • Civil Rights Act of 1957

    This act authorizes the Justice Department to look into cases of African Americans being deprived of their voting rights in the South. Which wasn't happenong before.
  • Sit Ins

    Black people would go and sit in whites only places. they would do this until they were served. and sometimes they would be beat up for doing so
  • Affirmative Action

    President John F Kennedy passed a law that ensuredthat blacks are employed, and their race, creed, color, or national origin was not a reason to be dissriminated.
  • 24th Amendment

    It takes the poll tax out from voting. Blacks would not have to pay a poll tax anymore.
  • Civil rights act of 1964

    The act bans discrimination in public places and in employment. Blacks would now be able to go where ever they wanted to go and race wasn't an excuse to not be hired.
  • Head Start

    Created by Lyndon B Johnson and it provided help to those studetns who do not have the resources to get a good education.
  • Votinng Rights Act of 1965

    It takes away all voting requirements, like literacy test, which was used by white Southerners to prevent black Southerners from voting
  • Upward Bound

    Gave low-class college students a chance to go to low class to middle class.
  • 26th Amendment

    It prohibited that the states would use age as a reason for dwnying the right to vote. It set the age to 18.